Unhappy peace lily why??

Ithaca, NY

Hi all,
I've had my peace lily for a couple of years. Last summer her leaves were drooping and her roots were poking out of the top, so I re-potted her from a 6.5'' pot to a 10'' pot.
Fast forward one year and she isn't looking too great...Most of her tips are brown, some leaves are entirely brown, and she's almost always somewhat droopy. (I trimmed the brown parts on her leaves, but they came back). In addition, her roots are still showing and the soil seems to be sucked toward the middle of the pot, i.e. the soil level is higher around the edges of the pot.
I water her approx. once a week, but never until water drains out of the bottom. She looks a little perkier immediately after watering, but it doesn't last very long.
So, I'm hoping someone has suggestions for how to help. Did I re-pot her in too large a container? If so, what size would be appropriate? Is this more likely an under-watering issue? Thanks very much in advance!

Thumbnail by jennaPL Thumbnail by jennaPL Thumbnail by jennaPL
Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

I don't know for sure, but I suspect underwatering and also it needs more soil, just to cover up those exposed roots. I would start watering a bit more, so the water runs out into saucer. The fact that it perks up a bit after watering is the key here, I think. Also one thing that happens sometimes with potted plants is that the potting soil gets really dried up, but there are channels through it, often at the soil-pot intersection, then when you water it just runs through the channels, never wetting the soil. Established wisdom (which works) is to immerse the whole thing in a bucket of water for a half hour, this allows it to get wet, then drain it (don't let it sit in it too long or you will drown it.
p.s. I like the pot, and it does not look too big to me.

Ithaca, NY

Thanks very much for your help. I've added more soil and bottom watered her, so hopefully that'll do the trick. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions!

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