Gardening by the moon

Madisonville, TX

So I'm a new member here and still trying to figure out the forums. Always heard about gardening by the moon but never done it. Many years my little garden has not done as well as hoped and a few years it did. Last weekend I got a few plants. Tomatoes, okra, cucumber, peppers, squash, snap beans, and purple hull peas. Read several things on Internet about planting by the moon phases. From what I can understand, for the plants I have the best time to plant would be between new moon and full moon preferably in the second quarter. But that's like 3 weeks away and I'm in hot East Texas. My question is do I continue to water them but wait to plant? Or since I've had them a week already just go ahead and plant now? And a second question is if you plant at the wrong time it's gonna be the right time within a couple weeks so why does it matter that they're already planted? Any suggestions appreciated.

Madisonville, TX

Thanks altagardener

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