
Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Yes sorry but i told you that i was hoping to go on a cruise around the Bahamas, well cant go now only one number came up on the lottery, well i can dream cant i. LOL

Awww Sheila

Never mind theres alays next Saturday LOL

Awww fooey Sheila,sure wanted you to win,dang it all' Don't give up,you'll win'

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

A while since I did the Lottery. Just got round to doing the Pools again. When I win I'll buy tickets to see my cousin in New Zealand.

Let's hope we all have lucky numbers on Saturday!

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

my mam won about a thousand pounds recently, she was one number away from having six.. d'oh.. just shows you that it can happen though, i'll be putting mine on!!



A the family of a friend of mine have won a few thousand over the years, but then one day I met my friend and he had a brand new car. Jokingly I asked if he'd won the jackpot and the answer was, not quite but the second prize was just as good. I think I'll ask them to buy me a ticket for my birthday LOL

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

you should have rubbed him for luck lol!!



ROTFL I doubt his wife would have liked that!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

One of my daughters friends won the lottery, but it was between about 30 of them at work, so she only got just over 200,00 two hundred thousand pounds, she works in a different part of the hospital to my daughter, still it was lovely for them all, but a LOT of people were jealous i just could not believe it, off course we would like it to be us but be happy for somebody aint hard is it?

Yes, it is sad that so many get so jealous about money. My brother worked very hard setting up a one man business 14 years ago and eventually made enough to buy his own house (with a mortgage he isn't that well off LOL). His friends were quite nasty about it as they were out of work and still in council houses. My brother now employs several men and has a nice house and family, he still has to work hard though. All because he got up off his bum and did something for himself and his family!

I'm not sure what I'd do if I ever won a lot of money, I think I'd be a bit scared of it at first. What would you do?

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well if i won the lottery i would be off to warmer climes especially during winter so i could grow roses 12 months a year. That would be paradise to me to be able to grow plants all year round, sow seeds twice a year once in my hot climate then over to England for the summer months.

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