2nd year of growing

DURHAM, United Kingdom

hello, im new to all the gardening and growing, im 34 and entered a leek club last year, i didnt have any idea of how much work and expense went into it. I was wondering what everyone else grows in there garden or allotment ? where do you source your gardening equipment and plants from? im in the uk and looking for advice

DURHAM, United Kingdom

i found a good website which seems cheap or does anyone have any more i can look at?

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Andrew- What is a "Leek Club"?

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi, I'm fairly new to gardening also. I am 35 and it is hard to find anyone even close to my age around here who also has an interest in gardening. I mainly grow vegetables, but also have a spot for all my flowers.
I also thought it was pretty expensive when I started, but there are cheaper ways to do most anything in the garden. I never go with the expensive products and plants from the major garden sites or big stores.
I start everything from seed which is cheaper and also save seeds from what I grow to use the next year. There are a lot of good ways to save money you can learn from reading. You can send me a message if you want to know how I've learned to save some money. I think it might be too long for this.

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

Here is a youtube search for united kingdom allotments. You may be able to get some ideas here.

Eastlake, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Andrewh,
I have been gardening for 51 years now. I am a lot older then you, but I grow everything from seed myself. Both flowers and vegetables. Check out Gardenrs Supply: http://www.gardeners.com/home?utm_term=garders_supply&SC=XNET9293&kwid=ee8459ff94804e5db1f69dcc514a2421&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=Bing. they have a lot of equipment and and information there. Most seed companies have some equipment, but they might be a little more money. Price things like you normally would when shopping. Don't try buying everything the first year! If you decide on buying plant lights, or whatever, always start small. If you like the product, you can always add. I grow about 350 to 400 plants a year. My basement is where I grow everything. Charley's Greenhouse is another good place: http://www.charleysgreenhouse.com/. Good luck and Happy Gardening!

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