New Cactus but they look sick

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Hi all

I received these cactus as a gift but I am sure, with my limited knowledge of cactus, that they seem sick.
Can someone confirm my suspicions?
Also what species are they please.

Thumbnail by cristina Thumbnail by cristina Thumbnail by cristina Thumbnail by cristina
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Hi Cristina,

I am not sure they are sick, sometimes with age the stems of cacti can get discolored and dead looking and things are just OK. However, having said that, it could also indicate some kind of affliction. One thing to check is the soil: is it fast draining and does it stay moist long - if it is not and does stay moist long time to change so to something that is fast draining and dries out quickly. Another thing to check is if the brown/grey spots are solid or soft and squishy. If the former, things are probably fine, if the later - the cacti are rotting and you'd be cutting and re-rooting a bunch of stems.

Now as to the IDs: some kind of rat tail cactus for the first one, Echinopsis oxygona or some hybrid there-of for the second one, and Opuntia microdasys for the last one.

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

Yes, I was thinking some kind of rat tail cactus but not sure what kind goes straight up like that.

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