CLOSED: Cold Duckies

Aurora, CO(Zone 4a)

As I've mentioned, Christmas day was unusually cold on the Central coast. I got photos of these shivering birds, and am requesting a possible ID. Thank you all for your help.

Thumbnail by wingwoman Thumbnail by wingwoman Thumbnail by wingwoman Thumbnail by wingwoman
(Zone 5a)

These look like Ruddy Ducks to me. I hope you get to see the males in breeding plumage sometime. He's really neat with a blue bill and white face.

We saw a lot of sleeping ducks yesterday... terrible to identify at tiny speck in a scope distance. Your birds were much closer.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yep, Ruddy Ducks; a mix of winter-plumage males and females.


Aurora, CO(Zone 4a)

Again, thanks for your input. Such fun this is!

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