New posts

Decatur, GA

I recently noticed the changes here at DG. I have noticed no new posts on C&S (for me only?) for at least 3 days.
I am wondering if the new format is off-putting and keeping people from posting, or if it's caused other problems (for just me?) or others, like not seeing new posts. Something is going on.

Reno, NV(Zone 6b)

Or we don't have much to say...

The new format is a little weird. Is it supposed to keep us from having to edit our posts later? It seems to take a lot of button pushing to say anything. And a lot of searching to even find the forum - all the listings at the top before you scroll down far enough are confusing and off-putting.

Also, I like to know how many people have looked at a thread, not just responded to a thread. If you knew people were looking but not talking, you wouldn't feel so abandoned.


Decatur, GA

Thanks Daisy. I am not comfortable with the new set up either. And there are several things I don't like such as the small pictures and having to go to a second page of the list instead of it just being continuous. I know when you open a thread and look at the picture its a good size but for scrolling down the list to browse the pictures are so small things really aren't recognizable.
Too bad.

Scott Bar, CA(Zone 6a)

Hi Helen and Daisy. I totally agree with you. This is not an improvement. It seems that my thread watcher on the home page is not updating to show new posts nor does the forum page. The micro-mini-thumbnails are indeed very hard to distinguish.

It looks like a big switch from paid subscribers benefit to advertisers benefit. ?.golly, I can buy a sweater as I compose this post! Or maybe I'm just an old luddite who can't spot an improvement?


Cannelton, IN(Zone 6b)

A big shocker to me. I haven't been on here for a while and let my membership lapse. It was nice to know how many people had viewed your post.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

The new format is HORRIBLE. On my homepage NONE of my watched forums are being updated. I've mentioned it in the update thread but no answer yet as to why.
They really messed this up IMHO. I've been a subscriber since 2006 and this is the worst I've ever seen here. A LOT of people are P.O.'d

Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

Quote from rockminer :
It looks like a big switch from paid subscribers benefit to advertisers benefit.

Your paid membership is not something they care to retain. This forum will be deleted or merged with another one once enough people walk away. That's what they are doing across the board. I expressed my opinion on the official thread where they announced the rollout of this disaster, and came to the unequivocal conclusion that they are not accountable for failures in leadership, and paid members do not have a voice in how the site is run.

Decatur, GA

This is all too bad.
Nancy where is the thread about the new rollout? I didn't get any notice about it. Could you direct me please? I'd like to catch up. Thanks.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Quote from helenchild :
This is all too bad.
Nancy where is the thread about the new rollout? I didn't get any notice about it. Could you direct me please? I'd like to catch up. Thanks.

I didn't get notice about it either. I've been a subscriber since 2006. Why can't people leave well enough alone? It wasn't broke, it didn't need fixing.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm getting notice when some threads update but not all and I can't understand the difference.

Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

Quote from helenchild :
where is the thread about the new rollout?

Here it is.

Decatur, GA

Thanks for the link Baja. What mess. I read some of the postings. I am very disappointed in the changes. None good from my perspective. Too bad. I use to love to do a quick check to see what's updated on threads I follow but its not there. Things are small and confusing.

Baja California, Mexico(Zone 11)

Dave has a new garden, and the admins there are much more responsive (like within minutes). It's called All Things Plants.

See you all on the other side. I'm out of here.

Decatur, GA

I just joined ATP. Should be fun to explore.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

ATP isn't's been around for a few years. : ) I belong to ATP too, have been since it first started. I just don't have time to be on too many garden sites. I dont really understand all the ADD brain gets overwhelmed. Many DGs use both along with other sites.

Decatur, GA


Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Seems to be working....

Decatur, GA

Now it is working. But for awhile my posts weren't being uploaded. And no one responded to my emails about the problems.
I am trying to get used to the new stuff here and hope to get back to a nice flow again. I've got my fingers crossed.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

There was a glitch and admin couldn't post either....I'd like to return to a nice flow too, especially since this was supposedly all tested before it was introduced. Lol

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