CLOSED: Chickadee Help

Black capped or Carolina?

Thumbnail by LuckkyOne
(Zone 5a)

Is this bird also in New Jersey as your earlier post? Knowing location helps rule out the near lookalikes such as this one. New Jersey does have overlap on the northwest portion. The wings seem to be darker than the Black-capped which would suggest Carolina, but I hesitate to say for sure.
Here is a link from Sibley that details the differences between the two.

Quote from Chillybean :
Is this bird also in New Jersey as your earlier post? Knowing location helps rule out the near lookalikes such as this one. New Jersey does have overlap on the northwest portion. The wings seem to be darker than the Black-capped which would suggest Carolina, but I hesitate to say for sure.
Here is a link from Sibley that details the differences between the two.

Thank you. Yes, this was taken in Southern NJ yesterday.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

In southern NJ, yep, Carolina.


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