Is there anyone breeding beardless irises ???

Montreal, Canada

Looking for information

Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)

Hi Apogon,

I am surprised you haven't had an answer by now. I don't know about beardless irises, but I have been under the impression that some people in these forums breed irises of one sort or another. There are quite a few amateur iris breeders. I really don't know anything about irises, so I am curious about your rationale for specifying beardless irises. Are they the only ones that grow well in Canada? Are you already an iris breeder, or are you just considering becoming one?

Things are pretty slow here in this near Winter season. Have you asked your question in the Irises forum? I am an amateur zinnia breeder, and there are lots less amateur zinnia breeders than amateur iris breeders. I grow some zinnias indoors to continue my breeding activities year round.


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