What Happened? 2015 Squash Grow Along Challenge

Ocean Springs, MS

What happened to the 2015 Squash Grow Along Challenge? According to the rules, participants were supposed to be awarded prizes October 1 ! After many posts on the thread and many dmails to Admin, the participants are somewhat upset and a little disgruntled with DG Admin because we have heard nothing from them!
In good faith and a lot of work, the participants deserve to know why we are being ignored! We spent money buying seeds, many hours gardening, and most of all, posting pictures and comments to help supply new information in Plantfiles on varieties that had no information.

Admin, please do not ignore us! Please give us some answers!

Here is a copy of the guidelines Terry posted to kick-off the Squash Challenge:
"Okay, it's time to make your final selections and post what you intend to grow this year if you'd like to participate in our fun challenge.

Here are the guidelines:

1. Any member of DG can enter 1 to 5 varieties of squash (pumpkins, acorn, butternuts, summer, zukes) - preferably some varieties that have been overlooked in PlantFiles, but they can be any variety that interests you.

2. If the same variety is chosen by multiple participants, we'll allow the first three posters to "stake their claim" to it. (It pays to post your choices early.)

3. Start your squash according to your area's last frost date. Take at least three pictures and post them in the appropriate PlantFiles entry:
- seedlings
- plants in bloom (male and female blossoms), and
- mature fruit

4. Also post a comment in PlantFiles, reviewing your experience growing each variety - whether it was good or bad (what you learn will help others!)

All photos and comments must be posted by September 30, 2015. We will draw prizes on October 1. For each variety you grow, add pictures and a comment, you are eligible for a drawing.

Melody and I will be participating in the challenge, but we will leave all the prizes for everyone else :-).

Ready? Okay, here goes: one post per person, please. (You can edit your post if you need to.) Good luck, and good growing!"

Read more: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1387818/#ixzz3pRbHAML8

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I realize I'm not a participant but I am interested in the results here is the link http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1387818/ on March 31, 2015 Melody posted the vendors that were donating $25 gift certificates. Not trying to make trouble but I am wonder what's going on?

Ocean Springs, MS

Here's a copy of the post. I just may contact some of the vendors to let them know what has occurred.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

How did you do that? I couldn't figure out how to isolate one post. Lol Oh boy.

Ocean Springs, MS

I clicked on the post number and copied it. I'll be calling some of these vendors Monday. I'll also be calling the company that owns DG. They may be interested to know about this.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh I'm not that computer literate. Lol I really just want to know about the plants that were grown and where I can find the info.

Ocean Springs, MS

If you go to the thread where members posted about their growing experiences, click on any members name. You will be taken to that members page. Then you can click on the link of what they added to plant files. Hope this helps!

Ocean Springs, MS

Still no word from admin. Just makes me more suspicious and more upset. After all, I am a paying subscriber and deserve an answer. Julie

Ocean Springs, MS

Hoping admin gives us some answers today!

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I hope so too. Everybody that participated needs answers.

I realize I can go to each member's page but I assumed that there would be a summary of the results. DG PFs does seem to have improved it would be nice IMHO if the alphabet was used as a method of organization.

Ocean Springs, MS

Heard from admin. They will be posting winners later today.

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