Bug identification in Japanese Painted Ferns

Omro, WI

I purchased several Japanese Painted Ferns at an end of year clearance from a big box store (I couldn't pass up the price of 50 cents per quart on these guys). Though after I had them home prior to planting I noticed on at least half of them were these worm/centipede type things in the centers. They're opaque, have antenna a whole lot of hair like legs, very thin, about a quarter to half inch long and have a 'crunchy' exterior (they crunched when I squished one). They curl up in a ball and are not very fast when moving around. I'm trying to figure out what they are so I can get rid of them before transplanting to my garden.

Thumbnail by jpribber Thumbnail by jpribber
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

One very easy way to remove a lot of pests from the soil is to soak the plant in water. Get a bucket that is deep enough to put the whole pot all the way down under water. The soil will bubble a lot as the air escapes, then it should stay down. Let it soak for an hour or more. Even if it does not help dislodge the pests it is a good prep for planting the ferns.
If you do not see the bugs escaping, you might have to add some pesticide to the water.

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