Suite 314 Sweet Interruptions

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Pegi, I'll keep Wes and his bride in my prayers.
As for your pictures being slow to download, maybe you could change your pic size to a mid size? Go to settings or menu, and select a smaller file size.
Since you're not printing out your pics, the smallest file size won't distort the pixels online.

Goodness, he is delicious, Susan!!! Hope he'd do right by you all Canadians.

Sis Kathy, be gentle to your body. Better be a whole pig than a broken one!! LoI

Woke up thanking God He is good to us all. Trying to wrap my head around what's good, and I must worry less of the cats outside.
The pups are used to the area, and it's strange to hear barkings at nigiht since Hambone has moved to Ida's.
In a way, maybe God sent me protectors as soon hunting season will start and strangers wtih power rifles will be walking down the road, across the property to the hunting grounds next to us.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i'm first! yippee!!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sending prayers also for Wes.

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Good Afternoon Friends!

Been busy again lol Today my cousin and I finally got most of the junk form the back yard loaded into a dumpster. Whew!! what a job! But things are beginning to look better around here. The temps are perfect, hope they stay that way for awhile.

I am going to have my candles in a Holiday Boutique in Nov., the boutique is in a woman's home and sounds really nice. Just hope I sell a lot as the space rent is $50

I am a little bit worried here :( I found a lump in my left arm pit. I do self breast exams all the time and can not feel any lumps. I am hoping and praying it's cyst or something else. I do remember one other time I had a lump and it was because I had a tiny piece of metal in my finger but I can't find anything this time. Because I had moved to Marysville and changed doctor's, I am waiting to see if I can get back into my doctor's up here. it's been less than two years and the gal said I was still in the system, just waiting for doctor to accept me.

Some of you may remember my ex friend Sheri??? Well we made amends a couple of months ago. Although we haven't seen each other yet, just have been texting. Well I found out she has a tumor on one of her kidneys, and she's is still having sever stomach problems. And of all things her doctor went on vacation, so it will be two weeks until she finds out what they are going to do. I could not stand that!! As a matter of fact I am antsy waiting for my doctor to call.

Ok got to get off here and get some more things done

Hope you're all having a great day!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Cindy, I'll pray it's something minor, like a cyst you're hoping it will be.
Maybe Sheri has seen her mistakes and thinking you're the only true friend she ever will have.
Blessing to your candle business as well.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sending prayers for you and Sheri.

(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

I'm sending prayers too Cindy... For both of you.

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Yes Jaye, Sheri admitted that what she did to me was wrong and she said she was very sorry. She said she has really missed me and didn't realize just how much until we started talking again.

Thanks for your prayers, they must already be working because lump in my arm pit has gotten smaller, I can hardly feel it now, hmmmm very strange But still going to go to doctor as it's been over two years since I've had a mammo

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

((((Wes)))) (((((Cindy)))))

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Strange how an illness sometimes give folks back their senses, huh Chindy? You are a great daughter, mother, sister and friend. Sheri will appreciate you further.
Don't ignore that lump, take care of it.
I haven't had a mammo since 1999. That will be on my list soon.

Hey there Barb.. Cookie.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Jaye! =}


Nice that Sheri has come around. Maybe it's the feeling like she had to speak to people now, before the time was gone...

((((Cindy))))) prayers for you. Take care of the lump - get it looked into.

(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Sending prayers for all in need....
Hi Jaye. I'm still ;here - reading along - been busy making making purses to sell and now a friend would like a dog bed. Sure keeping me busy.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

got sores in my mouth, can't put my teeth in. dr. said it could be caused from stress. put me on antibiotics, and a numbing mouth wash. oh well, off to the gym, jigady jig.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Cindy, Sherri, and all those with medical problems my prayers are being said for you. Doctor told Wes he has less than 6 months as he is going downhill very fast. Gave him pain patches, cough syrup and something for nausea and said to get his family here by Dec. 11th. The Gerson therapy won't accept him as the fluid in his lungs was cancer too. She is not giving up still looking into holistic healing. Prayers should be said for peaceful ending and that he sees his family before the end comes. I'm going through this with her as I know exactly how she is feeling.

Wish I was one of you talented sewers out there. Should have listened to my mom when she told me to learn how to sew.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Morning and a good day family.

Maybe you ate too much acidic stuffs, Sis Kathy?

Barb, you are certainly one busy bee. Will you be selling your work at a fair or do you have a crafts stall/booth?

Pegi, it is hard on you trying to be strong for Wes and his wife. Definitely, at this point, it's only right that we pray for a peaceful journey's end.
If I'm nearing the end, I hope that I'd have someone like you to hold my hand. Sucks when family's overseas.

Kelvin broke prison's rules last night. He made use of the job's pc to be on Facebook.
Yes, that man is arrogant enough to post a video on his page.
When someone thinks he is above all, too overconfident, I am afraid, God gives him enough rope to hang himself.
The guys and gals in his unit, cover each others' arses, so they won't report him for they do the same thing. Birds of a feather alright.
Just like leaving the prison premise to eat in town, when that's against the rules too. Thirty guards to a thousand immates called for stringent stay on the grounds rule.

Holly who worked there before, says it's a boys' club on the evening shifts. We'll see, how much more can he gets away with his infractions.

Will be another usual day stay at home read or try to sew day today.
Yes the phone still works but the tape on the ceiling is following gravity!! Cats try to pull the ones hanging down!!! Lol. That's my life.. the man of the house does everything half arse!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Pegi, we will keep them in our prayers.

Jaye, just remember, what goes around comes around. It may take time, but karma will get him.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Yes LK, I was shocked when he laughed about it.
Didn't bring the subject up this morning. Hope someone turn him in for he has many day shift workers as his FB friends. Takes an angry friend.
It may seems trivial, but this is part of the narcissist Kel.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I agree. All it takes is one angry person to turn him in.


prayers for all in need.

Jaye - we both know that they who have harmed us will get their Karma - rest assured in the Lord's love and care for us.

I'm knitting a shawl for a friend. Pattern had one error, but I found it and now am forging ahead :-)

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Is it too late for me to learn to knit? I can crochet well, but left knitting to my sister who won't even do a simple shawl for me!!!!

Yes Susan, this family has strong conscience and would think twice before hurting anyone.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

It's never too late to learn how to knit. Lots of good YouTube video's to learn from.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I never thought of Youtube. Well a sister would be 'buying' a pair of knitting needles soon!! Lol.
Thanks LK.


yes, Jaye - if Grandma Moses can learn to paint in her 70's, why can't a young thing like you learn to knit now? Easy peasy. Lots of great videos on knitting.

(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

The purses I have been selling have been to ladies in my knitting group.9 so far...

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

~and Barb knits too!

(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

That I do Jaye. Any kind of needlework except for tatting. I never had the opportunity to learn and don't think my hands or eyes would let me now.....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Julie has the Christmas interest thread open, come and check it out.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

hi ho, hi ho, off to the gym i go


Christmas is in March lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kathy has the keep me warm swap OPEN.


Sorry - I won't be able to take part in any swaps......

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty has her 9th Annual DG Christmas Craft Workshop. Come and learn something new, and have fun.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Maternal grandma's tatted laces, antimacassars were exquisite. She tried to teach me, but I was too impatient. They are lost now when mum died and the grandsons thought they were just store bought laces and gave them away to their friends without asking the sisters.
Barb I tried a few years back, fingers aren't nimble enough for the shuttle.

Family, this is scary or maybe I should thank God? Since Ida had that powow with Kelvin, last night was the first time he came home at ten thirty.
He's been too sweet these days. But he still witholds money.
Hmm.. maybe he doesn't want to be on his mother's bad side anymore as he really needs her help.
I take the peace for now. I know God has His perfect plans for me.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Don't let your guard down Jaye. I pray he is changing his ways, but it could be a scheme he is brewing.


Jaye - take peace where you can get it, I know I do :-)

Here's something funny we got today....
We got a call from Health & Safety - our tenants called them for a walk-though on our mobile. The ONLY think they could find, was that the egress window in the den was too small and that they have the baby in the den, sleeping. First of all, they don't have the baby sleeping in the den - she sleeps in their bedroom. I saw this when I was visiting them (when they were still being nice). On the same end of the mobile, the master bedroom has the right size windows for egress. THIS is all that H&S found "wrong". Bob told the agent from H&S that "between us" we're giving M&C their notice at the end of the month anyway, to move in for our personal use. Also told him that except for the new hardwood in the bedroom, and new tile in the bathroom, it was the same as when we moved in 9 years ago.
I'm sure Marcel tried to show him the stove that we just bought (Sept 30th)and that it's "broken"
We were trying to figure out how to get a Home Inspection before we give them notice on the 31st, but it looks like now that they had H&S come by, they've actually done our job FOR us? lol The place is fine - no broken windows, etc.......

So, I'm sitting here laughing, because there's nothing that can be found wrong with the place, and now there's been an inspection!! We didn't have to do a thing......

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I won't LK.. I have been hurt too bad to let my guard down LK.
The day when he's transparent on everything and chose to return to church, won't be near. I am aware of his devious ways. Been reading books on narcissism, they helped me see that I am not responsible for the affair and secrecies. It's a pattern with him when he gets tired of one partner or when he seeks further adulations to feed his deep sated insecurities.
Narcissists know how to manipulate people. So sweet to get what he wants and then the fangs come out.
Well, sadly, there's no cure for it unless he himself recognise his mental depravity and seeks help.
But then, Jesus always win over satan right?
He is our go to Champion, LK!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Take that blessing Susan!!! Lol.. oh my.. I bet your tenants aren't happy!

(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

I don't think the tenants realize what they did.and if Bob and Susan are smart, they won't tell them. The condition of the home is now documented by an official so any damage will be definitely their responsibility. Or maybe it would be good thing to let them know so it would be a deterrent to them doing any damage. 50-50 I guess.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, that is good news. You now have proof there is no damage.

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