Dracaena (corn plant) leaves edge brown spots

New York City, NY

My corn plant has been pretty healthy for the past six months and then today suddenly I saw two brown spots on one leaf (incidentally this leaf doesn't look as healthy) and darker brown spot on two another. The three leaves are relatively new leaves. I noticed the brown spots this morning so I am not sure how long they have been there. I use tap water (soft water, has been left out for 2 days to evaporate chemicals) for years and never really notice these brown spots. In addition, I changed my soil about six months ago. Also, I never fertilize the plant.

I inspected the plant and there are no insects or mites. All other leaves are fine. These three leaves are on the same stalk. Please kindly let me know what's going on and what I should do! Thanks so much!

Thumbnail by kenyong Thumbnail by kenyong Thumbnail by kenyong
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)


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I suspect floride. I have seen the same issue on Chinese Evergreen- Aglaonema

New York City, NY

I tested the ph of the soil. It's 7. Would this yield some hints on if it's fluoride problem?

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Fluoride does not alter the pH of the soil.
Is the water in NYC fluoridated?

New York City, NY

Thanks Diana_K. Good question. NYC water is not fluoridated. I finally found out it's frostbite.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Unfortunately, and because the plant is known to be sensitive to fluorine, fluoride regularly gets blamed for a number of issues you might see in dracaena that more rightly belong to other issues. Primary issues causing spoiled foliage are over-watering, soil compaction, and high EC/TDS - which in essence means a high level of 'stuff' dissolved in the soil solution ..... mineral salts from tapwater and fertilizer solutions being the primaries. Don't read what I said to mean it's definitely not or couldn't be a problem related to fluorine - just that there are other issues more likely ahead of that as causal.

Why do you think it's cold injury?


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