October-Fall Colors and a nice chill

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

How about those Royals 2 - 0 in the World Series!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

They were on a roll tonight!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

hay everyone,,, you all are a bunch of busy bees. I am so glad the Royals won again.
Hope the eye situation is okay Billy, I had an accident on the car lot about 10 years ago and my contacts were heat blasted and had to have my contacts removed surgically, and I was "blind for about three weeks, ( couldn't see without my eyes hurting, and then they told me no more contacts. All that from getting into a car, in 104 heat, that hadn't been thru PDI yet, flipped up my sunglasses and turned the car on to roll down the windows, the a/c air was on full blast and shot out all the stuff in the system and hot air in about two seconds to my eyes.
( I didn't know it hadn't been thru the shop yet, and it was a black on black leather car... I hope he heals quickly, and I also hope he likes glasses. You've been busy and I know it takes a long time to sort pictures out on a computer.
Will, remind me sometime to tell you a dream I had about driving a school bus.
Happy Birthday Bernie, sorry I am late.
Pepper, hope you weren't fried all day from staying up too late. I didn't have time to be tired, we are down two peeps at work in my department so I have been BUSY, whether I am tired or not.
Brenda, wish I was going fishing, and great find on the MUMS. Joe keeps asking me if I want any, I keep saying no, I already have some in ground. If they go to 10cents, maybe I will say yes.
no heat on here yet, no frost yet, most everything is in, but work has me captive.
Joyce and Patti , both of you sure do get a lot of things done, wish I had your energy.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Sure Debra, let's hear about that dream.
The bus'es wheels were round I trust..lol

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Debra, your eye accident story literally made me queasy. My biggest fear in life is that something will happen to my eyes. You are lucky you weren't totally blinded, girl!

Years ago I had a piece of something blow in my left eye. I was able to flush it out but found myself going to an emergency clinic a few hours later. The doctor did not find anything In that eye, but said I was allergic to whatever had blown in there. Even with eyedrops it took me about a week before my eye was back to normal. I can only imagine what you went through.

Debra, I literally cannot see the Aster seeds. I even have a light with a magnifier on it; that didn't help. They are little tiny things about the size of a grain of sand. Is that right? Where the heck are those seeds hidden? I'm beating my head on the table here. LOL

If it weren't for Jamie, I would be in dire straits. He has been a true blessing for me. I am going to finish the front porch today. It shouldn't take over 15 minutes and that includes sweeping.

I have my thermostat set on 68° and the heat just kicked on. I'm not quite ready to dig that Mexican petunia up so it got a trashcan set over it last night. It's only 37° at the moment so I'm going to wait a little while before I take the covering off.

I always make a list when I buy groceries for my mom. I go to the store for her every Friday and by Friday night we're already starting on the next weeks list. LOL I make it to the checkout counter with the list maybe 80% of the time.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Patti, that Petunia is really hardier than we think. MIne are still in ground. no covers, and.. it will come back from seeds if it is blooming, and if you lose it, I have a million more in the basement Garden

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Debra, thank you. In that case I'm not gonna worry about it. I have had four blooms so far and I just took the cover off now that the sun shining. There are three more blooms ready to open over the next several days. I think I'll put one of those organza bags over them.

I am also going to put an organza bag over the bloom on the clematis. I don't know how long those seeds need to stay on the plant before their viable to pick and save. This clematis was a volunteer so I have no idea where it came from. It might be a Jackmani (sp) but I don't think so.

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Crap, I get the send button when I didn't mean to.

Debra, give me a call when you get a chance, please. I want to get your tray and container back to you. When you're ready, I would also like to pick up a couple Borage seeds. Did you say you had Bronze Fennel? If not, I'll go ahead and order a package. Thanks!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

OK where is Greenbrain, she keeps disappearing on us. I miss her and what the kids are up to. Sure she is busy.

I am NOT playing outside today, it is soooo windy up here...geehz. I hate cold and I guess it really isn't cold yet.

Think I got the solar room all packed up. Now need to clean it...thatt will never end because leaves fall all the time. The first pic is of the west side of the room, 2nd pic is of my two mini gardens I was kid of proud to figure out how to cram them in that pot holder..lol, then the east side of solar room (the chaise lounge needs a new cover), and then the succulents. I don't have as many plants this year because I stuck more in the garden room.

Went to Savers...heavens I need to stay away from that place. I got a hammock (material part) for 4.99 great savings, I got a blue drape sort of like to jeans to do a cushion cover for the lounge chair (see below) in the solar room 5.00, then got 7 round kind of like cake pans for the girls to do their Christmas stepping stones in (I was sooo lucky they are going to work so well) and we can reuse them nexxt year, got a ceramic fish plate so I can bust it up and use it in a stepping stone by the pond, and a huge wire flower I am going to repaint and hang on the pergola, got dh a book I thought he would like, wowzer.. They had several bedheadboards there that would of made great benches!!

Thumbnail by happgarden Thumbnail by happgarden Thumbnail by happgarden Thumbnail by happgarden
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Joyce I love love love your solar room. And about Savers? Joanna spends a lot of time there when she is not working. I think she is addicted to it.
I have entered the photo contest, by the way ..hope someone votes for me... LOL

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Joyce, what a great room! I want, I want, I want! Your plants look so happy and healthy. What is the green plant that is hanging down in pic #2? It almost looks like baby tears, which I have not been able to find since I left California.

I don't even want to ask about Savers. LOL I think I already know.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Patti I Have Loads of Bronze fennel seeds if you like just send me your addy be happy to share with you ,

I would like to find DBL Purple Datrura & The triple yellow datrura seeds
if anyone has any .

I Have a seed robin about to flight within the next couple weeks so anyone wanting to join us come on over to the seed trading forum .

Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

Joyce - Love what have and have done with the Solar Room.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Happ, it's probably a good thing you don't invite us up there because we would find a way to sneak off with all of your plants. LOL

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Thank you all for the nice comments. I do like the solar room especially when it is snowy and cold and I am laid out on the chaise lounge with a great book. lol

Patti remind me and I will bring you some of the plant hanging from the pot. I don't remember what it is. Right now it has a tiny bloom on it and it has grown a mile since I planted the pot. Savers is like goodwill.

DJ I had datura seeds a couple of years ago...I will check but doubt I kept them. It was a purple swirl I think. I will dig around tomorrow and see.

Coyotes are going crazy tonight, wish I could send you a sound bite of them, it is creepy! They aren't howling but yelping.

DJ here is my chicken knot head...he is a riot.

Ok they are way too close to the house DH had to go out and run them off. Creepy.

Thumbnail by happgarden
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

They must have gotten ahold of a scent of something.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

They'd probably like to have your chickens,
happ. I remember when I lived up there in a rural area, there was always
animals making noise, usually coyotes, and it IS creepy. It's like they're saying, "if you were out here, we'd get you!". Owls like to make alot of noise up there too.
Here's a tree in nice Fall color today, in Independence, Mo.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Susie, I have the double /triple purple datura for you.. I can't do the robin, I would be shipping boxes back to the next person LOL

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I have been busy! It is touchy. I am going to make sure we both eat plenty of vitamin A foods. We do take a multi vitamin, but you can't beat a sweet potato.
We don't have hills or enough of a consistant wind hewre. There are a few private homes that have one around here. They are on hills. We see semi's hauling the propellers. They go thru town. West Branch is closest to us. It's quite a business. Everytime they talk about using wind power our gas and electricity rates go down till talk dies down.....


We have had rain too! No, it isn't as pretty as they predicted this year.
I love the idea of the salt shaker!


Laughing! Love the clematis gift!
I actually leave my hostas. I find the ladybugs overwinter in them. Try leaving them this year.
I cut daylilies back to about 6'' to 8'' from the gound. I just grab a hank and start cutting with the scissors. They grow back a little so they look pretty good then.
Not only that, but you don't want to lose your straw :o)
I envy your basement set-up! Tacky schmacky! Enjoy it!

That's why I wasn't too upset that it happened. Luckily the program found all of them and thankfully I nver transfered the flower based or the pictures I have of every house in Nichols. That was the majority of them.

ROTFL!! Yep, I forget things all the time and I have a list ansd I cross off as I go!!

My friend's up the satreet did the same thing and they got their mums in :o)
All right! Fishing!

I have a desk and I use it. My grocery list sits next to my diary. If I think of something I need I put it down right away! Or I leave a label, bottle or can on my desk to remind me.
How true. His happened on a Saturday and he didn't gwet in till Monday. We had no ides that had happened and no, it's nothing to ignore. It bothered him the minute he opened his eyes in the morning.
You have to make sure you aren't getting the annual mums. They don't come back.

Wow Debra,
That is very scary! DH couldn't handle being blind for a day so he was lucky.
That was the first contact he's ever had and now he wouldn't be able to if he wanted to.

I had to skip to the bottom. I'll finish reading later. I need to hit the ground running again.

Have a fabulous Friday!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Gardens are empty here. As soon as it dries a little, plastic will be taken up. A neighbor is going to chisel plow for me.
We had a very good year. Bumper crop of everything. 2 big bins of potatoes, I hope will sell over the winter. People don't realize the difference between super market potatoes & home grown ones. They think they can only buy small amounts or they will spoil. True with ones from stores because they are kept so cold. When stored right they keep a long time.

Sweet potatoes are getting more popular. Had a huge crop & wondered what to do with all of them. Now I am almost sold out.

Soon it will be time to order seeds & then start them for another year.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens Thumbnail by CountryGardens Thumbnail by CountryGardens Thumbnail by CountryGardens Thumbnail by CountryGardens
(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Debra, I just saw where Honda going to be sending out another recall for airbags. You poor thing! You're already overworked.

I'm not sure I have ever heard a coyote. Surely I have - I did live in Idaho. It must not have made too much of an impression.

OK, city girl here. Have a question about the knot head chicken. I thought all male chickens were roosters. You called this one a 'he' ??? Where did I go wrong? Does this chicken have a name?

Sally, thank you for the winterizing instructions. It sounds like you are really busy there.

Potatoes – that causes a memory flashback to Idaho, where potatoes were everywhere! I am always amazed at the pathetic excuses we see for spuds sold at the supermarket. The fact that they do rot so fast is infuriating. Yours are beautiful, CG.

I was wondering where Betty disappeared to too. Betty, oh Betty – – –

LOL Pepper at your comment about the coyotes catching the scent of something. Yeah, they caught the scent of fresh chicken! ROTFL. Did you get a chance to go look at your truck?

Gorgeous Datura, Debra.

Waving to Will.

Going to get rain today. I'm singing in the rain, singing in the rain - or at least I hope so. We need it! Maybe my allergies will calm down.

Have a great day everyone!

Edited to correct two words which auto correct changed on me.

This message was edited Oct 30, 2015 9:44 AM

This message was edited Oct 30, 2015 9:46 AM

This message was edited Oct 30, 2015 9:49 AM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Nope, still haven't gotten to look at it. They still don't have the other salesman they need. We're giving it a break for awhile and will try again late next week or the following week and see if he's got help then.

Bernie, potatoes look good enough I could probably eat them all today if I got the chance. lol

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

I love fried taters with onions and green peppers. Yum!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all Patti Kept me up late last night HEHE & I woke late this morning & well Between Laundry , chickens, Dishes & Such I finely have my coffee in hand & can reply .

Debra I so would love any or all those seeds they are so Pretty thank you for the offer . Sorry ya can't do the Robin But i understand :)

Patti I can mail the fennel seeds out today or put them in the robin with your Name on them .

I'm the Sweet tater Gal I have one at lease 3 times a week :)

well will try to get back in later today

Happ What trouble you working on today ?

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Susie, make it easy on yourself and put it in the Robin with my name on them. Thank you so very much.

I love sweet potatoes but they are so hard to cut when raw. I love to slice mine up along with some parsnips and carrots, toss them in olive oil and seasonings and roast them. I feel like I've had a workout by the time I get the sweet potato cut up. LOL

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Get you a FF/ French Fry Cutter that How I do my Veggies.
Ok will put your seeds in the robin but its No trouble to send now .

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

OK Susie, if you want to send them now, I will take them.

A french fry cutter. Hmmmm. Interesting. I never would've thought of that. In the past, if I were cutting multiple sweet potatoes, I would cut it down the middle resort to the food processor. That method worked that made the slices thinner than I would've liked. I'll check out a french fry cutter. Thank you for the idea!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Well this morning and afternoon forced to do things in and on the house...rofl.

I am still working on getting organized and it is kind of scary cause some things are coming together! lol. I am trying to clean out two rooms. No not moving, one is the spare room and all my sisters stuff that I was afraid to store is in there and getting ready to ship it to baby sisters house (pictures, papers, etc)

DH thinks he would like a pool table, I think it is nonsense cause I don't know anyone who uses one, so we have this room sort of a family room and I am cleaning it out for the pool table he will have someday. Bad thing I won't even be able to fold clothes on it because it will be up stairs and washer/dryer is on first floor...rofl.

Oh yeah BillyP stired me and I am trying to get pictures sorted out I know this sounds horrible but sooner or later I won't be here and I need everyone to know these pictures belong to one family and these pictures belong to the other. I have his parents pictures and my Moms pictures and our pictures....holey cow not to mention what is on the his/her computers...lol

OK I am officially tired just thinking about it. One step at a time one step at a time...uhhh I needs lots of time cause it sort of looks like a marathon..lol

Oh yeah knot head is a rooster, I don't know what breed he is. He loves to be carried guess he like being up high and looking down..

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Susie, in yesterday's post, did you say that I kept you up late? Shucks, midnight is early for me usually and I forget the rest of the world doesn't operate on my hours. LOL. Sorry.

Joyce, does your husband realize how heavy pool tables are? ROTFL. Whoever he hires to carry it up there will probably never forgive him. LOL

I'm glad people are organizing and hopefully labeling pictures now. Mom has all of the pictures from both her family and dad's family and none of them are marked. We were looking at pictures she had stuck in the family Bible last week and she doesn't remember who half the people are. I'm clueless. I wish they were a site people could send old pictures too. They could put those pictures online, but without names, they are kind of useless.

The rain is doing its normal thing. It is raining hard to the east of us and it is raining hard to the west of us. Wichita is getting spits and promises. We need rain!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Patti was Just picking Last eve I Just could not fall asleep & stayed up way pass 10pm I'm the early Bird type so I need my sleep from 10:30 pm to 6:am .
sorry Just not a late owl very often .
Joyce At one time I had your energy Now your making me feel as I did a Whole days work Just reading about your day
god love ya girl hand over some pep for me :)

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

no rain here, but it is too cold for my bones. :P we had our Ground Breaking Ceremony today. It will be in the paper and on Facebook. We opted out for the group photo today cuz it was too cold for us, tho. :P

All my pics are on either cd's marked or thumb drives marked for future references, it is what I do to make me SLEEPY. I do not like to SLEEP.
I am so Proud of Joe's bumper crop of Yukon Gold Potatoes. Delicious, he keeps them in the Basement on the dark side of the room. He has made some really great dishes with them. I love the sweet potatoes, anyway I can eat them. Joe buys me one huge one every week. I really like them just steamed in the skin, but they are great as french fries too.

Will be working on seed pouches this Sunday. Cleaning and packaging seeds also makes me Sleepy. could be I am just too tired to go right to bed, so doing tedious things makes me drowsy.?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Debra I am like you, I have never liked to sleep, way too much stuff going on. I can remember in kindergarten we would lay down on these little rugs that were as thick as a sheet...lol and suppose to take a nap I would lay there and watch kids fall asleep and think really...how can you do that. Then in high school I was always up early which is crazy for a teenager and by 8am call my friends, course back then most people only had one phone and their Mom would answer and say "Joyce you know she won't be up til at least 10am". I use to die waiting on them.

When I go to antique stores it is sad to see so many pictures without names, lost family. Doing genealogy it breaks my heart. Many years ago I use to buy old pictures with names and post them on a website looking for family to claim them.

I don't feel like I get anything done, maybe because everything is a mess...lol You will not believe the number of scissors and pens I have found in just 3 drawers...good grief..lol and how much " what the heck is this? "

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

lol Joyce, we must be twins! :D :D
I have also found at least 8 pairs of scizzors about in drawers, and when I need some, I can't ever find them. That is really crazy. I am always so excited to find a few seeds I stashed all over the house tho, on shelves, in cups, in the bathroom soap holder LOL when I find them I feel like I won the lottery :P Poor Joe, he is always watching me look for something, he says "what did you lose now?" And I'm like I didn't LOSE it, I just Moved it.. ugh.. it always seems like I am cleaning , but really I just move stuff out of sight to another location, then it's like hide and seek. AND I REMEMBER those dang rugs and those stupid naps. LOL I remember when they let us bring our little sister or brother, and nap time was a joke how do teachers expect you to sleep when your little brother is picking his nose next to you ? :P:P:P

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Dang you gals sound so much like me, I store my seeds in a nice cool place so i can go pick them right out & oops where did i put them ????

now i know I Put my clippers on the hook by the front door ,oops they are not there .

Is this a Gardeners thing or old age ???? wish i could put a beeper on my tools same as my phone has :) so i can find them :)

HAPPY HOLLOWEEN Don't let those Goblins get ya tonight .

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Happy Halloween everyone!

I never get kids with cute little costumes. There aren't any kids on the block, no houses across the street, street lights are sparse and the sidewalk is across the street by the river. Nope, no kids.

I hope everyone has a good time tonight. I think I will watch a movie. LOL

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'll be watching the game. lol

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

But of course you will be! LOL I hope the Royals win tonight!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

No trick or treater's here...I could have a great road to decorate and scare someone...lol

Got a new modem from the phone company....I always have to laugh at the instructions. Everything thing is hooked up, except of course there is always one thing that doesn't want to work. The new modem is great my old one has/had many problems. The speed is so much nicer and DH is so much quieter. No whinging from him YEAH.

Tomorrow is making concrete mud pies with my Little sister and her Granddaughters, we are going to have so much fun. I will take lots of pictures.

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Joyce, I am looking forward to seeing the pictures. I remember making mud pies when I was a kid and loved it. And yes, I too remember those stupid little rugs. I had to laugh when you said they were no thicker than a sheet. That is the truth! The only time we could bring anything to school was on "show and tell" day. In other words, no little brothers. LOL

I am a wuss. I do not like scary movies - I never have and never will. It being Halloween, I watched "Good Witches Halloween", which I had taped from the Hallmark Movie Channel. I taped that movie and then lowered my satellite programming the next day. LOL. Christmas is coming and I am still recovering from Tuckers vet bill incurred last August. I was informed by the customer Service representative that most people increase their programming around the holidays. So? I am not most people. LOL IMHO, TV programming is getting more and more violent and I find myself liking it less and less.

Even though I love my Kindle paperwhite and my regular tablet, I miss reading. I love feeling the weight of a book in my hands and actually turning the pages. Maybe I've already made my next year's New Year's resolution - Less TV and more reading. LOL

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

We got rid of satellite because of the expense. We got netflix first and stream videos, with netflix you get over channels that are free like Crackle (but they have commercials) and some other "stations" some free some not, we just stay away from not free, DH loves it. Then we got Amazon prime. The annual charge for Amazon Prime includes FREE Two-Day Shipping, Prime Instant Video, and the Kindle Owner's Lending Library and one free book a month, altho I find lots of free books in Amazon. DH due to his hobbies and mine we use FREE shipping alot! Most people probably wouldn't, course we watch lots of movies and I read alot. Now some amazon prime movies there might be a charge but they tell you and we just don't watch those, there are plenty of free movies and good movies. the one thing they do and you have to watch, is if something is a series you might get the first free and then there is a charge for the others. We just wait and sooner or later they become free. lol

Understand about the vet bill, DH did a run to the vet emergency room with the Basset last night 285.00 later. The Basset just starting whining and crying and howling and biting at his tail. Vet said the Basset had a knot on his tail which is arthritis...so he gave him shots, and sent home medicine, the Basset was out like a light, DH had to carry him in! lol

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