My first full day with a greenhouse

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

was wonderful. I had heard others talk about how peaceful it is to be in your "own little world", but I had no idea just how tranquil it is. I puttered around, potting up some things that had been rooting in the house, snipping a few last perennials before the next hard freeze does them in. I cleaned up the foliage on some perennials that are still in pots, and will remain in pots until next spring. (I'm still debating whether to put them in a cold frame or leave them in the GH, as they probably do need to go dormant for the winter. Any suggestions?)

I dug up my pots of Agapanthus and put them next to my large "horse trough", which is now full of water and water hyacinths and water lettuce.

It's raining now, and I've checked on the GH like a mother hen, making sure it's not leaking - like it would really matter anyway, LOL!

Next to-do: hang lights so I can extend my puttering time into the night. If I do that, I might have to get a sleeping cot because DH could decide it really should be my new home :)

I promise to not drive ya'll bonkers with incessant daily updates from now on; I just had to share my first day with you guys, though.

Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me and given us advice along the way - I couldn't have done it without your help, and I think I'm going to be a very happy winter gardener this year!!!

Mason, MI

'Glad that you're having a
good time with it, Terry.
It is exciting (after planning for so long),
to finally have it up and running.
There's nothing like puttering in the greenhouse,
it's so incredibly peaceful.
Have fun,
Melissa :-)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Really glad to hear you got it up all the way and are enjoying it.
I bought xmaz lights at an auction this summer-I ran a large strand of white ones through the rafters of my greenhouse-looks pretty and I can see. I have shop lights to hang for seedlings this spring. The xmas lights just make it so festive-I bid on 2 boxes of light -have them over the arches in the garden too.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

oh, I'm so excited for you!!!! I can only imagine how wonderful it is. Hope there were no leaks, and that you have such fun this winter!!!!!!!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

How wonderful vols! SooooOO.... let's hear what you plan on growing!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Oooh, it's a long list, Sue. Lots of perennials and native wildflowers for a new "Woodland/wildlfower" garden I'm creating - off the top of my head, I've got scutellaria, ligularia, corydalis, alchemilla, eupatorium, asclepias, several Silene varieties, Echinacea tennesseinsis, liatris, etc. etc.

And then there are the tomatoes - I'm hoping to grow 500-600 heirloom variety seedlings to sell. With any luck, the proceeds will just about pay for the GH materials.

I can get 28 flats on each bench that spans the sidewalls. Another 6-8 flats on the far wall, although I'm currently eyeing that spot for a permanent potting "dry sink" (I'm messy when I fill flats and pots.) I plan to have every available surface filled with stuff pretty soon :)

Not to mention the things I'm going to start outdoors - I'm very fortunate to have a deck with a long bench that I can line up flats of seedlings to experiment with the winter sowing method.

Can you tell I'm totally, completely hooked on growing things? It's gone way beyond a hobby, and is a downright addiction, LOL!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

What fun! I am still wishing. We have a bunch of used fiberglass windows, and I have a hubby who is very handy at building things, but so far I haven't gotten them together! Many years ago I had a little greenhouse. I enjoyed it so much, would sit out there and read and enjoy the warmth and peaceful quiet surrounded by plants. Even on a cloudy gloomy day it was a few degrees warmer than outside. There was a small heater with a thermostat to keep it from freezing. My cactus that I have had for over 30 years has only bloomed once, that was the year we had the greenhouse. Too bad we couldn't have taken it with us.

Congrats GV,you sure won't bore me with any updates,lol' Keep us posted' Enjoy,Sis'

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I envy you but I am very happy for you at the same time!!

Longview, TX

Im so happy for you. I know you must be SO EXCITED!! One day I hope to be there with you in my own GH. I am dreaming of one. If I had the money Id start now. But, I dont....:-(

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