What's wrong with my creeping thyme?

Athens, GA

I've got a couple kinds of creeping thyme (pink chintz, Doone valley) planted between flagstones. I'm experiencing pretty significant necrosis on the thyme. I planted most of the thyme at the end of spring, though I have replaced a few plants that failed to thrive throughout the summer. I live in zone 8a in north-central GA. Soil is mostly clay, though I amended with mushroom compost and perma-til when I planted the thyme. The thyme is planted near the foundation of my house in an area that tends to pool water after a heavy rain. The standing water drains away after an hour or so. I'm concerned I have a phytophthora problem. I really hope that's not the case. Any suggestions about what's going on here?

Thumbnail by jwied73 Thumbnail by jwied73 Thumbnail by jwied73 Thumbnail by jwied73
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Standing water is not good. Thyme needs much better drainage. It is a fungal/root rot sort of issue, but I do not know which one.
The cure is the same in any case:
Better drainage.

a) Can you mound this area up enough to keep it dry when the area floods?
b) Divert/pick up/ remove the water as fast as it accumulates, or even better, before it reaches this area.
c) Amend the clay soil so it has a structure more like a sandy loam
d) All of the above.
e) Select a different plant that does not mind being swamped once in a while.

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