Prolific Squash Bugs

Stafford, VA(Zone 7a)

Does anyone have any advice how to get this situation under control organically? This is my butternut squash plant that has this last squash on it. As you can see, it is infested with what I think are squash bugs. The plant is pretty much dead. Most of the leaves have withered and died. I kept the squash bugs under control for awhile using insecticidal soap and Neem oil and destroyed any copper eggs I found on the plant. But, now, nothing is working to keep the bugs at bay. I also don't understand why they are on the squash instead of the leaves. Any advice?

Thumbnail by Goofygirl
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

I think you are on the right track: Have you tried trapping them? Many pests will crawl under something (perhaps a board) or into something (like rolled newspaper) and you can destroy larger quantities, perhaps slowing down the reproduction for next year.

North Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

They look a lot like the Leaf Footed Plant Bug that destroyed my Tomato
harvest last year. There was no way I was going to eat those tomatoes
after they were mating on the fruit and sticking their proboscis' like mouth
piece into the fruit and injecting something into it so they can suck it out!!!
And they're huge and fly!! As you can tell, I really don't like this bug.
Thank God, their massive breeding plagues don't come around very often
here in the desert of Las Vegas. However, Adults will over winter in old wood,
trash, piles of leaves, etc., so a good clean up is important.
These guys have red bodied with black legs nymphs. Kind of look like spiders.

Thumbnail by bluemerle Thumbnail by bluemerle Thumbnail by bluemerle Thumbnail by bluemerle Thumbnail by bluemerle

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