Menacing Invisible Stinger

Ellwood City, PA

Twice this year, while working outside, I've been bitten/stung by some invisible, mysterious insect. I am hoping someone here can help me identify what it might be.

The first time, about three weeks ago, I was trimming back my bleeding hearts. My arm brushed up against the plant, and I felt something sting me. It was not as powerful as, say, a bee or a wasp, but it was definitely a stinging sensation, as opposed to a bite.

I didn't see a bug of any kind, so I continued trimming and was, once again, hit by something in my hand. This time, however, I was looking directly AT my hand, snipping a branch, and I STILL didn't see what got me! In both instances, the stinging lasted for about an hour. Both sting/bite sites developed a rash-like spot, about the size of a golf ball.

So this morning, I was outside pruning some elm trees. During clean-up, I picked up a branch, and the leaves brushed my arm. Once again, I felt the stinging sensation and developed a rash. But, once again, I saw NOTHING!

I've been an outside person all of my life. I grew up playing in fields and woods, and I have never had this happen before. In all instances, it happened when I came into contact with leaves.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? I'm thinking that it must be a spider, whose bite feels more like a sting. Hopefully, someone can help me in identifying this mysterious menace!

Ellwood City, PA


Having gotten stung again today, I did a careful inspection of the aster plant I was working around....and right there, on the underside of a leaf, was a caterpillar. I Googled "Stinging Caterpillars", and there he was....a Saddleback. Now, my only question would be, has anyone else seen an over abundance of these things this year?

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

You might want to start a new thread with the name of the criminal/cat. It will catch people's attention who know about it. Im happy to say I do not!

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