Which yellow daffodil should I get?

Waynesboro, MS

I have small yaupon holly around my front porch, and I'm thinking about adding some yellow daffodils between them. There are so many different varieties it's hard to decide on one. I'm looking for suggestions on a big solid yellow one. I'm in zone 8. Thanks for any suggestions.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

There are way too many different types, height, flower size, (double or single) to be able to recommend on any one Daffodil to suit your requirements, I would go along to the garden store as there are as many bags of Daf Bulbs on sale starting from now, as there are Hot dinners.

You can also send off for some bulb growers /producers catalogues as they have wonderful pictures, tell the height, spread of the bulbs as they mature, and the type op flower and mixed colours of flowers and if they are double / single.

Dont plant your bulbs in a line / row, the way they look natural is to drop a handful of bulbs onto the soil and plant them where they land, IF you dont have enough space for that type of natural spread, then plant them in groups of odd numbers, 3-5-7-etc, this gives a better show of colour when in flower, after several years you may have to dig up the bulbs and divide them to allow the bulbs to keep producing flowers, over crowding of the bulbs underground can prevent flowering after maybe 5 years. remember also each year the bulbs underground make new bulbs and these will be mature enough to flower 2 years later.
Hope all this helps you select the flowering Daf's you have dreamed about.
Enjoy and take time to enjoy.
Kindest Regards.

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