Goji berry plant acting strange

Daytona, FL

I bought a goji plant from Walmart, which comes from Dewar nurseries in Apopka, FL 2 weeks ago. I used garden soil mixed with just under a half sand. The soil is very slightly acidic so I did a lime treatment according to these instructions yesterday: http://homeguides.sfgate.com/change-soils-ph-potted-houseplants-35807.html As soon as I planted the goji, some of its leaves turned yellow and new shoots came up from the bottom (as seen in the 1st picture). Every vine on the goji started to show flower buds and new shoots came from the vines. I live in Daytona FL (zone 9b) and the plant gets full (hot) sun but does not wilt. I see no bugs on the plant other than a couple sugar ants (which the lizards always like to eat). I have only watered it twice (when transplanting it) and yesterday, and waited until the top of the soil was completely dry before watering it. Will it fruit? If it doesn't set fruit, how can i get it to? What could be causing the yellowing and why is it flowering so much?

This message was edited Aug 22, 2015 12:00 PM

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Daytona, FL

I will post more photos with descriptions, I cannot point out all the flower buds because they are small and very new, but everyday there are new buds. I am also going to point out yellow leaves and new shoots. It has four open blooms right now but i didn't photograph them all.

Thumbnail by malsprower Thumbnail by malsprower Thumbnail by malsprower Thumbnail by malsprower Thumbnail by malsprower
Daytona, FL

More photos... sorry for the blurriness, I have a horrible flip phone camera

Thumbnail by malsprower Thumbnail by malsprower Thumbnail by malsprower
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

When you planted it in the new pot did you keep the original soil level, and not put any new soil on top of it?
If you buried the stem deeper than it had been growing originally, this is one reason for plants to start yellowing.

Since it seems willing to produce flowers, it might fruit. Or it might not. Sometimes it takes a year or more for a plant to develop the reserves to grow fruit.

Daytona, FL

They are yellowing less, I am pessimistic about them setting fruit since it has been so hot. I had to add a little more soil because the roots have risen above the new soil, it tends to happen after a while, It happened with my other plants too. I may consider mulching my plants, not sure if the Goji would do well with that, thank you for helping me :D

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Mulching will help. A coarse mulch allows some air flow so the stem is not buried in soil. Keeps the soil moist, cooler.

Shade the pot, too. In full sun the sun can heat up the soil and cook the roots.

Daytona, FL

Thank you for helping me out with this issue, I greatly appreciate it :) The plant has completely shaded out the soil in the pot making it not overheat anymore, thank goodness. I have also planted a few cuttings in pots around the house to see if any of them would set fruit (in shaded areas as well). I have a few on the north side. I also have a different goji from a different source to add a little diversity. My original goji has became a beast. It has set out secondary leaves, and another set of flowers but still not wanting to fruit. That's okay because the bees are surely loving it! Every time I clean the chair of debris, a honeybee comes to it and buzzes in my ear. Thank you again! :)

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