CLOSED: Looking for small Althea Blue Bird

Mc Call Creek, MS

I have many plants, to trade, many of which are tropicals which can be made to do well in zone 8. I also have non-tropicals to trade. If you have the Althea Blue Bird, please D-mail me and I will send you a list of what I have.

Thanks for looking!


Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi Trixie, I don't get on Dave's much anymore so I didn't see this before now, but I have the Blue Bird Althea. I will take a cutting and root it for you.

Mc Call Creek, MS

Hi Busybee,

Thanks so much for your offer! I don't get on Dave's much anymore either and conse-
quently did not see your reply. I've found some cuttings locally and they are rooting now.

I do appreciate your efforts and offer! Maybe we can do a trade one day. We don't
live that far apart. I live in Poplarville, MS, which is almost a straight shot from
Kentwood across Hwy 10.

Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6a)

If you are still interested I have a small Althea Blue Bird to trade. Send me your trade items if you are interested. afitz

Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6a)

I have a small Althea Bluebird potted n my greenhouse about 15 " and branched. I know that your post is from April, but if you are still interested ask me about a trade

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