what is this damage to my bulbs?

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

what is this damage to my bulbs?

Thumbnail by flfwrs
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

I think something has been nibbling it.
Snails, mice, voles, gophers and others could do this.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Anyway to get control of this?
Will the bulbs recover?

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

If you know what pest has done this you could plant the bulbs in a mesh basket. Fine enough mesh to keep out the pests. Most mammals are larger than snails, for example. Snails might be discouraged by a few threads of copper in the mesh.
Large enough basket so the roots have plenty of space. Maybe 1' diameter? It would need a bottom, if the pest digs (Gopher, Vole) Fold the mesh over the top of the soil so the pest cannot reach the bulb. Leave barely enough room for the leaves and flowers to grow through. You might have to enlarge the hole as the leaves grow, perhaps leave a couple of flaps at the top of the soil where the leaves will grow through, and fold open these flaps when the leaves grow, and cover them back up when the leaves die down.

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