foxtail grass in broccoli

Indian Heights, IN

Does it help to reduce next year's garden weeds by cutting off the influorescences on foxtail grass (which are now showing up in my broccoli ) early before the seeds mature?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

It will help but the best wan is the hard way pull it out by its roots. and just before it freezes when it is still warm enough to use round up. If you don't like round up spray your garden with vinager and again before you till in the spring.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Removing the seeds is always a good idea, also hand pulling as soon as a weed can be identified.

Another way that kills a lot of weed seeds is to solarize the beds in between crops.
Keep rotating the crops in a way that leaves at least one bed free of plants for about a month in the heat of summer.

Clean it up (weeds, old plants...) 'til it, or at least rake it so the soil is loose. Dampen it fairy well.
Cover the area with clear plastic and seal the ends. The sun will heat up the soil the same way the inside of a car gets hot in the sun, or a greenhouse gets warm. It will get hot enough to kill seeds and many plant disease organisms in the top few inches of the soil.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

The problem with dead heading noxious weeds as opposed to hoeing or pulling is they are usually able to produce seed on ever shorter stems, at a more rapid clip, as the season progresses. It's not a one time job. They're programmed for survival.

I cannot recommend using herbicides in a vegetable garden whether it is an organic garden or not. Their environmental damage is well documented. Solarizing has it's proponents and opponents since it kills the good with the bad. So if you have beneficial insects wintering in your soil they will be wiped out along with the weed seed and pests. Solarizing may be more effective in zone 9b than 6b, especially using clear polyethylene. Even commercial fields in S. Florida use black for both weed and nematode control.

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