CLOSED: Wanted: Your extra veggie seeds from this year

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

We just redid our raised bed veggie garden and it is ready for planting some fall harvest veggies. I'm interested in leaf lettuce seeds, spinach seeds, radish seeds, or anything else that can be planted right now for harvest in zone 6 before frost. Newer seeds only please. We won't have time to replant if the seeds don't come up.

Please send me your Wish List if you don't see any seeds on my Trade List that interest you. I do have a few more seeds than I have listed. I also have some daylily seeds from my plants that I know the pod parent -named varieties only, no Stellas grow here.

I can also send postage, if you like. Thanks,

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi Linda,
We are planting some fall veggies too. We planted Cilantro, Lettuce, and Cucumbers. We're hoping to get a second crop on the Cucumbers.
Are you unable to buy seeds locally? I was wondering. I had to try three places before I found seeds still available.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Hello, I have to admit that I haven't shopped locally but also don't remember seeing seed displays out any longer when I've been shopping for potting soil, pots, etc.

I was just hoping I'd find someone with some extras from this year. There's only the two of us here, and the kids never seem to find time to come over and pick up some extra tomatoes, lettuce, etc. so they are on their own! So I really don't need a lot of seed, just a few to get us going for the fall and then we'll buy locally next spring.

Give my right arm for some green onions to plant. Those I know won't be available locally. I really like to cook with them!

Thanks for responding,

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Igrowinpa, send me a DMail and I will send you some various seeds , I have green onions seeds , will you like trying some.?

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you to everyone who has responded. You have been so generous!

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