Siberian Elm Leaf?

East Bridgewater, MA

I grabbed this from a planting in Charlestown at the foot of Bunker Hill (actually Breed's Hill) in Boston today. I didn't have my phone.

My best guess is this is a Siberian Elm leaf. It seems the right size and the teeth are even with no teeth on other teeth. The bark I remember was quite dark and had orangish patches kind of like a Japanese Zelkova tree plantings.

Any other ideas?

Thumbnail by neefman Thumbnail by neefman
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Lacebark Elm - Ulmus parvifolia - though the leaf you show looks a might bit large.

I'm pretty sure Ulmus pumila lacks anything remotely like exfoliation.

East Bridgewater, MA

That has to be it. The ones I saw were only slightly exfoliated but they were pretty young trees compared to the ones I just googled which almost look like Sycamores with their bark.

Thanks! New tree for me. :)

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Get an image of the whole tree to go with the little bits (for your records)....

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