fungus ?? on 2 1/2 year old peach tree

Glendale, AZ(Zone 9a)

Help this is spreding fast. The clear lumps are hard not soft and sticky. It is all over. Trunk , branches. Any ideas. I am in Phx az and it is very Hot 112.

Thumbnail by hoodiacake Thumbnail by hoodiacake Thumbnail by hoodiacake
Hurst, TX(Zone 7b)

Gummosis perhaps?

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

If you remove them (at least one, to check) is there a hole under it? This would be a borer.

Glendale, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thank you both so much for the help .!!!! I took several pieces off my tree and uses a magnifying glass to see if their were any holes. No holes or signs of may not be bores. I talked to Jimmy at the nursery and showed him pictures. He said it was fungus. Not specific. What I have found on the web ,my tree most likely does have gummosis. Not good !!!no cure. Jimmy from the nursery suggested a Copper Fungicide spray. I will try it this weekend . it has been to windy to do any spraying. Just have to try it. Sure will hate to loose this Amazing peach producers. This was a stunning crop. And this tree is just getting started. Thanks again.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Gummosis is not a disease.
It is a symptom. The tree is trying to remove something, so produces excess sap, which oozes out though the bark. The more obvious example is when a boring insect tries to get in the tree pushes it back out. With no visible hole it is not something as large as an insect, but could very well be a disease.
Here is some research for you. There are a lot of pests and diseases that attack fruit trees.

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