Gasoline Affect on Thuja

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

In my new home, the rear neighbour has taken a disliking towards me and piled cut grass and then dowsed it with raw gasoline on my landlord's property over the roots of Thuja plicata 'Excelsa'. It is my belief that this is done to kill the hedge after I trimmed it on my landlord's property so that he can sue my landlord for killing it. Does anyone have any experience with the affect of gasoline on Thuja or any other conifer? Thanks

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

I don't have any experience with gasoline on a conifer but it was always my understanding that gas in soil killed everything there and then prevented anything new from growing for a long time.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

I'm a bit confused by this. Does the landlord own both yours and your neighbor's property? Is the T. p. on your neighbors property, and you trimmed the branches extending onto your property? Is it the trimming of the T. p. that set your neighbor off?

I've never had the misfortune of dealing with an unruly neighbor, but it does seem to be a common problem for many. I think I'd get the landlord involved in this spat and try to make a bad situation better. You may want to consult Ben Franklin on this issue. ;)

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

The trunk is on the neighbour's property. At one point in time, the hedge fell over with a wire fence. The majority of the top of the Thuja is on my landlords property. After multiple consultations with the municipality, they clearly said anything on our side of the property can be trimmed as long as it does not kill the plant. So I did and left about 2' overlap. It is on this 2' overlap on my landlords property where the grass is piled and gasoline doused. The landlord is fearing further actions by the neighbour. I've given notice and am leaving. Ben Franklin?

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

It sounds like the landlord is afraid of this neighbor and doesn't want to get involved. That's a tough situation you've got there. Hopefully there will be no escalation before you leave.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

Growin, that is a difficult situation you find yourself in. I hope it works out for you...and the tree.

Franklin had a couple of things to say about neighbors:

"Love your neighbor, yet don't pull down your hedge"

"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man."

BTW, I hope my spouse doesn't take that last line literally.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

And here, I thought Pseudo meant to slip him a C-note - which probably loses something in the translation across a northerly international boundary...

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