Knockout Roses issue

Georgetown, TX

My Knockout roses have developed some browning and yellowing. The areas are lower down on the bushes.

Just wondering if this is a pest problem or something else. They have not needed water so it isn't overwatering.


Thumbnail by Elspeth6 Thumbnail by Elspeth6 Thumbnail by Elspeth6 Thumbnail by Elspeth6
Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Do you see any webbing?

Georgetown, TX

Yes, very small, wisps of web.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

You have Spider Mites. They love hot, dry, dusty conditions. They are very common in TX. I would spray the plants with water, be sure to get the underside of the leaves. Don't spray them during the heat of the day. Since they don't like wet conditions this should at least control them.

Georgetown, TX

Would soapy water work like with aphids?

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm not sure, I've never tried it. I assume it would. Just remember if it kills bad pests it kills good ones too.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Soapy water or insecticidal soap will work against aphids.
I do not know if it will work against spider mites, though. Worth a try.

Georgetown, TX

Thanks all

Apopka, FL

Did that work for you? In very sunny climates insecticidal soap can be detrimental as the sun will burn the leaves. Be careful!

Georgetown, TX

I have made one application of neem oil, in the evening. I think, however, I will go back to soar saying with water in the early morning at in the evening. I know the oil can burn as well.


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