I Give Up

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

I have given up on my summer garden. We have had so much rain that my plants have given up. I have had to battle so many plant disease this year and they have won. I have never had a problem with my veggie garden until this year. Even in the heavy rains of 2013 my garden survived. The only plants that are doing ago are my herbs. Between the tomato disease and the vermin I have only manage to get about 5 tomatoes so far. Every garden needs a little dry time.

Thumbnail by weeding Thumbnail by weeding Thumbnail by weeding Thumbnail by weeding
Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Yup. My sentiments on the gardening as well. Fallow means pampering for nex year as far as I am concerned, and tossing for sunshine to soak in

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

I will pull everything that is bad and dying and start planning for my fall garden. I know I want to grow collards, cabbage and kale. I welcome suggestions for fall/winter veggies.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm not sure what you've done to prevent damage in the garden but if you have problems with worms and vermin in July you will surely be plagued come fall. Army worms love everything and the onslaught of moth larva is yet to come.

We had two incidents of dry spells lasting for more than a week and otherwise received lots of rain. This resulted in one of the best gardens ever. Tomatoes are just now at their peak, the last of the cabbage was picked two weeks ago, peppers and eggplants are now coming in in full and we are drowning in southern peas and okra. The first cucumbers (for pickling and relish) are done as is the summer squash but the second, smaller planting of Suyo cucumbers is enough for nightly salads.

I plant arugula, cilantro, turnips, collards, kale, rutabagas and mustard in fall. Cabbage seems to freeze out before heading and I've not had success with Brussels sprouts though farmers here in N. Ga. grow it. For me it is puny. I occasionally plant heirloom garlic varieties around Thanksgiving time. Being out here in the country I am mindful that the deer might move in if the grazing gets tough so I don't invest too much energy in a winter garden. Just a few patches of this and that.

Snellville, GA(Zone 7b)

I know I'm a little late with this response but have to put my 2 cents in by saying this was the worst year I have had. It started out great. Tomatoes growing like wildfires. But then came the deluges. Not rains but downpours that over flooded my garden beds and when it did stop it left the beds hard as mudpie cutting off the oxygen the plants needed. Put in more tomatoes for fall thinking they may make it and the same thing happpened. What fruits there were, were cracked or distorted on wilting and blackened vines. Out of 20 plants I got about 7 edible tomaoes only because I picked them to ripen indoors. One can only hope for a better next year or else I'm giving up as well.
One thing was a curious abnormality on a pepper plant that was covered with weeds that I did'nt even see. When i cleared an opening I found a ton of Marconi type peppers grown from last years seed drop. Beautiful untouched by critters and unharmed by the rain. I'm not touching them until they turn red. Maybe it's me that's causing the problem with mt tomatoes.

This message was edited Sep 30, 2017 1:50 PM

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

It is frustrating having put in all that work. I have a challenge gardening on the narrow steps we've created down a steep hillside. Have literally gone over the mountain on occasion. Once with a tiller. On the plus side, drainage is excellent. We did receive crazy amounts of rain this year. I'm usually cursing the hours spent watering but did no watering this entire summer. That's a first.

I am puzzled as to why various lima-type beans are so late this year. Planted in May and all have been vigorous but late flowering. Just now picking Christmas beans. Black Jungle beans are not filled and Willow Leaf is only now forming beans. It was flowering earlier on but no signs of an earlier crop as promised by Farmerdill. I can only attribute it to the heavy rains.

Snellville, GA(Zone 7b)


Decatur, GA

The chipmunks and/or squirrels ruined almost everything in my garden last year. I'd given up on tomatoes but even had peppers and eggplants gnawed on before they were ready to pick. Grrrr!!! I even had green gourds with holes chewed - a first.

I have heard that using fine netting used to keep birds out actually works with small critters too. Apparently they hate to crawl and walk over the stuff so you need to drape it loosely over the plants to keep them away. I am going to try this method this year. Wish me luck.
I also put into some new chainlink fencing to allow my little rescue Manchester Terrier mix into the garden area. I hope she will either drive away or kill those dang pests!!!!

Blue Hill, ME(Zone 5b)

My money is on your terrier, Helen.

Decatur, GA

I'm also cheering on the hawks and owls that reside in the neighborhood, not to mention the coyotes and foxes.
DG sure has declined in activity. I guess Facebook took the traffic.

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