HELP! Sad Philodendrons

Converse, TX

I left my boyfriend to take care of my plants for a months while I was over seas, and when I came back he said my philodendron weren't doing so well. It is near my fiddle leaf fig that gets a good amount of indirect sunlight and I water it about once every week and a half. It has a pot with holes.

Any ideas what has happened? Thank you!

Thumbnail by abebesgarden Thumbnail by abebesgarden
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

It was being over-watered and/or over-fertilized. If he was watering in small sips to avoid over-saturating the soil, all excess salts from fertilizer solution and tap water will accumulate in the soil and make it particularly difficult for the plant to take up water, resulting in the symptoms shown. A soggy soil also causes a drought response due to a lack of O2 in the soil which shuts down root function, so the plant dies of thirst in a sea of plenty.


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