Papaya trees - What's wrong?

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Hello everyone!

My friend has these two papaya trees that are not thriving. They were planted in an area that can get wet, especially now, during rainy season. He didn't use any soil ammendments, just the Florida dirt that's there. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

Thumbnail by Sofonisba Thumbnail by Sofonisba
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

I can see several possibities:

The Hydrocotyle at the base shows the area is too wet, poor drainage or too-frequent water.

The competition from the grasses will remove most of the nutrients from the soil, leaving almost nothing for the Papaya.

They might have been planted too deep. Very few plants will do well if they are planted deeper than they were in the can. Difficult to see if this has happened- you could look at the base of the tree and see if there is a color difference between the part that was in the air (usually lighter) and the part that was in the soil.

In a situation like this (Known to be damp, competition) I would have dug out a larger area to remove the weeds, and planted the Papayas on enough of a mound to allow the water to drain away. Use soil amendment appropriate to the soil to blend with the soil and add volume.
If they have not been in the ground for long, dig them up and replant them.

If they have been in the ground long enough for the roots to have spread into the surrounding soil then I would remove the weeds around the tree, and remove the soil at the base of the tree until the air can get to the trunk where it was used to it.

Thumbnail by Diana_K
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Thank you Diana for your very helpful reply! :)


Also, in general, papayas dislike being transplanted. Try seeds next time

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