ornamental grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus')?

New York, NY(Zone 7a)

Any ideas on a grass I divided into 4 pieces and replanted in different sunny locations about 2 years ago.
-The grass does not brown over the last 2 winters like the original and other grasses, and has not grown as much as expected. So, after 2 years I have not pruned until this spring and see some growth?
-Only one of the divisions is variegated, the other three are all green. I thought all the divisions would be the same as the parent plant?


Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

If the parent plant was actually several plants in one pot, and when you divided it you got one type in one mass and another type in the other masses, then the resulting growth might be predominantly the 'other' plant. Variegated plants are often weaker than fully green plants, so if there was some competition the green plant won out. Also, variegated plants do not always stay variegated. You might actually have one species, one variety, but it has reverted to the original (non-variegated) coloring. This green growth is usually more vigorous than the variegated type.

Dormancy of grasses can vary with the weather- in a mild winter it might not go fully dormant. Still, a good clean up usually involves cutting it down pretty short to get rid of the old, tattered, browned leaves. Also, different varieties, even of the same species might go dormant under different conditions. A green sport of the original variegated plant might be more resistant to the cold, and not go dormant under the same conditions.

Slow growth for several months after dividing it is not surprising. Reduced growth for 2 years seems a bit unusual, suggesting again that there were several types of grass in the original mass. If the green leaves are from the original plant, and it reverted to the non-variegated type, I would expect more vigorous growth. Have you added some fertilizer?

New York, NY(Zone 7a)

The division was from a fairly large parent. I'm pretty sure it was all the same plant, maybe it reverted to the non variegated. The winter's have been particularly cold. I decided to do the clean up pruning this year to see if that would help. (If I didn't know better I would think it was a yucca plant, as in my area they don't seem to brown/ go dormant). I have not fertilized or tested for soil pH.


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