Whats wrong with my pussy willow?

Enid, OK

These are not great pics I know but there are round spiky looking things and tufts of leaves on the ends of bare limbs. This bush just does not look good to me!

Thumbnail by enidcandles Thumbnail by enidcandles Thumbnail by enidcandles
Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

I think you have an infestation of Gall Mites, these marble sized swellings (small balls) are caused by either insects, fungal infections etc, and they do not cause the death of the shrub / tree BUT they do look unsightly. IF these Galls are not covering the whole plant, I would suggest you prune the branches off, and BURN them to be safe, The best time to prune willows are between November- Feb, at this time there is NO sap rising and the new growth will break around March - April depending on your location, soil, and light.
All Willows like a moist soil BUT not waterlogged,
Hope this helps you out a little.
Kindest Regards.

Enid, OK

Thank you so much. They are not covering all of it, yet anyway. I will cut it all back this fall and let it start over, thanks again! I was afraid I was going to have to dig it up.

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