How to keep daisy flowers fresh for two days?

Toronto, Canada

Hi! I ordered some red,yellow,pink,white and orange daisy flowers online. This is how they look I got this for my friend who was supposed to come today evening but unfortunately her visit is postponed . Will these flowers stay fresh for another 2 days if I keep them in water. What should I do to keep them fresh?

This message was edited Aug 17, 2015 8:51 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3b)

Yes, they should certainly stay fresh in water for for several days, if not a couple of weeks. Gerbera daisies are usually cut with long stems that are put inside a clear plastic tube in order to keep them upright; without that, the stems do start to droop with time.
If they don't keep for the time you've got in mind, you've got the basis for a legitimate complaint, as you would have been sent cut flowers that were too close to their "best before" date. Gerbera daisies are very commonly available, especially in any larger center, so there's no need to mail-order them; buying them locally would allow you to be sure they're fresh, if it turns out that these ones are a problem.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

I agree whole heartedly with altagardener advising you re the stems of these daisey plants, they will require support, be best stored in a very cool shaded area out of bright light, IF not, the flowering heads will collapse, adding to the stress of the beautiful flowers and causing there shelf life to be shortened very quickly.

If you can find a flower shop, phone and ask how to store them'
I would add a paper collar around the vase tall enough to offer a little support at the top, BUT done draw the collar up too tight, all your doing is trying to prevent the flowers from drooping due to the SOFT structure of the stems and the open flowers adding weight to the stems.

Good luck, Hope your friends can enjoy her lovely vase of bright flowers and can get much more enjoyment over a longer period.
Good luck.
Kindest Regards.

Toronto, Canada

Thank you Altagardener and WeeNel. I ordered them online because I thought they looked beautiful. I did not think much and just ordered. I've kept them in water. So far its good. I hope it stays fresh for another 15hrs.

This message was edited Jul 7, 2015 11:03 PM

Montreal, Canada

Hey DaliaMisticle, I agree with the other two. If you take some extra care the flowers will stay fresh for a couple of days. Just be watchful of the stems and see if they are drooping. By the way, it's a beautiful bouquet, I hope it stays fresh till your friend comes.

Toronto, Canada

Thanks HazYu! I am being extra careful about them.

Mississauga, Canada

Wow, that is a beauty. So, did the flowers make it till your friend arrived? I've heard people keeping flowers in refrigerator to keep it fresh, never tried though. How's this online services work? I mean all this delivery and all? Do they deliver flowers internationally?

Toronto, Canada

Thank you, the flowers did stay fresh and they looked awesome! I didn't keep them in refrigerator instead I put them in water. It wasn't as fresh as it was when I got them, but they didn't look bad either. I've never ordered a bouquet online, this was my first time. They were on time and kept informing me their status regularly. I'm not sure whether they do international shipping. You check that in their website.

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