Plants to keep the groundhogs away?

Verona, PA(Zone 6b)

So I'm planning next year's layout already, because the groundhogs ravaged all of the chard, broccoli, kohlrabi, and cauliflower. I'm trying to intersperse unpalatable plants between the ones groundhogs like in an attempt to keep them out without a daily dose of cayenne pepper. I've already got my pepper bed planned out - it'll be a 6' x 10' bed with hot and sweet peppers intermixed - because they've given the hot peppers a wide berth this year. I'm surrounding the chard with garlic, chives, onions and leeks to try to keep them away, but can only eat so many alliums...

Does anyone else know any other good veggies or herbs that I can grow between the groundhog's favorites to keep them away? I've heard spearmint and lavender and might work. I've also heard that my attempts may be futile until I install a fence.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

I think I would plant a fence, then line the fence with all the plants that are supposed to help. Dig a trench, too, and install a foot or so of the fence under ground to discourage critters that dig.

Verona, PA(Zone 6b)

Ah. Fences. Unfortunately, they're not an option.

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