Shasta Daisy issue with long stems

Mesquite, TX

Having a problem this year with two groups of Shasta daisies... one group large and one group small. It seems that the stems on these plants have grown extremely long and bare for all practical purposes, leaving the stems to flop over into the surrounding greenery. The plants seem healthy enough and while the number of blooms is rather light this year, the plants are putting forth blooms and leaves as one would expect.
The larger group of plants is about two or three years old and has done well until lately when the flopping stem thing started. I was going to dig and divide this grouping late last fall but never felt it was dormant enough to do so although I did eventually cut the whole batch almost to the ground.
Have grown Shastas before and never had a problem so what am I doing wrong or better yet, what do I need to do to get this batch of plants back on track and pretty again? If it involves cutting all stems back to the ground or even digging up the whole planting, culling and then replanting, I'm at the stage where I'd be happy to do so even if it means losing blooms for the rest of the growing season.
Any advice will be most appreciated.
I've attached an image taken earlier today showing the problem.
Steve E

Thumbnail by TXSkeeter
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Are they maybe not getting enough sun?

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

They probably got too much water this spring, maybe cutting back would help.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I love daisies! Mine are in a partly sun location but they bloom and multiply well. They have always gotten leggy and every year, about 1 month after blooms are spent, I cut them to 6" from the ground. In fact, I just cut mine.

Mesquite, TX

Although the 'not enough sun' issue may be a slight factor, they're currently getting about 6 to 7 hours of almost direct sun per day and seem to grow well. Cutting back after blooms are spent seems like it might work except that one reason I planted Shastas is their long bloom period. This batch starts blooming about mid June and if they do the same as last year, they'll still be blooming when the first frost hits in mid to late December.
I think I'll go ahead and take the chance and cut them back as well as possibly remove out a few around the edges. Although it's not the right time to do so, the plants could hardly look any worse than they do already so it's probably six of one vs half dozen of the other. They ARE hardy plants however so we'll see what happens.
Thanks all for the replies.
Steve E

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Interesting, mine bloom in late May for 5-6 weeks and not again except for a bloom here and there. But even if they rebloom, I doubt the haircut will hurt

Now my chrysanthemums bloom in July and thanksgiving and they also get the short haircut in early July after bloom period and I believe haircut invigorates the mums for the T/giving round.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Wanted to add I do grow a variety that doesn't ever get taller than 1 ft so it doesn't flop but I still give it a haircut. Varieties have grown together and too much of a hassle to keep them apart

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Here is a pic of trimmed daisies

Next is pic of mums (from WM) in bloom now

Last is pic of common pink mums also from WM that were done blooming so got a haircut

Thumbnail by vossner Thumbnail by vossner Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Coming right along despite brutal heat

Thumbnail by vossner

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