Mulberry Tree Producing Fruit

Trumbull, CT(Zone 7a)

We have lived in this house for over 10 years and I seem to only remember once about
10 years ago when my children said that there were berries on one of the trees in the
backyard. I walk past this tree mowing the lawn and on my way to the garden so I
would notice if it had fruit. This year, to my surprise it does, and looking it up it seems
to be a white mulberry tree, at least I think it is not sure if they will turn color but for now
they are white. It is a big mature tree, probably over 30 feet tall.

I'm wondering why it produced fruit this year, perhaps because I've fertilized and have
been taking better care of the lawn. Or that we had a lot of snow that watered it in the
Spring. Should these trees produce fruit every year?

Many of the berries have been dropping, is it likely that it needs more water or something?

This message was edited Jun 30, 2015 11:35 PM

Trumbull, CT(Zone 7a)

The berries do not look healthy, and our neighbor just told me that he has two and one has already produced a lot of dark berries.

Maybe I need to fertilize more around this tree?

Trumbull, CT(Zone 7a)

The tree is leaking sap from around one of the side limbs that looks as if it is dead.
The amount of sap looks to be huge, about 4 inches wide and dripping 5' down to the ground, very wet.
I almost feel like I should tourniquet it but I'm not sure how to do it.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Mulberries usually have short lives, sounds as if it may be dying... they dont seem to be maturing so that is a place to start checking.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Can you post some pictures-
Whole tree
Close up of fruit and leaves
Weeping part

In the weeping part- Do you see any holes? Some insects bore into the tree and the tree fights back by trying to push them back out with lots of sap. Woodpeckers can peck holes in the tree, searching for insects under the bark.
Some diseases can also make the tree weep like that, but no obvious holes.
Is there any frothy goo at the site of the weeping?
Is there only one place that is weeping? Are there other (smaller) spots?

Is the weeping branch in a place where you could cut it off?

Trumbull, CT(Zone 7a)

Thank you Diana again for your help.
The tree again has berries this year, they are green, and I just noticed that around mid morning everyday quite a few squirrels are in the tree eating them - so this is probably where the berries go.

The large weeping area is on one side of the main trunk, maybe 1/3 way around. I took pictures last season but I'll have to find them. The tree is at the edge of the property near woods so I don't think there is much hope to keep the squirrels away.
We had a healthy Mulberry closer to our porch where there was a lot of activity at our old house and it produced a lot of ripe berries. Don't think there is much hope of that in this situation.

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