Dianthus x Lovliness and others

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

A DG friend kindly sent me a goodie box chock full of unusual, pretty flowering plants tto meet the new draconian gardening restrictions by Property Management.

#!: Dianthus x Loveliness at the feet of my hydrangea
#2: 3 rows of plants to left of above
two Coreopsis grandiflora in the back (in front of white rocks)
L: blue Delphineum + R: Geum 'Mrs. Bradshaw'
L: Potentilla + R: pink Baby's Breath(almost out of picture: its top is in the middle of the bottom)
#3: Geum 'Mrs. Bradshaw' in my lily container
#4: 3 pots of the same unknown root divisions receiving TLC in sheltered area of filtered sun
and, finally
#5: my front garden
L: French marigolds
middle: growing geranium surrounded by newly germinated Boiled Egg plant groundcover
R: picture #2 above
extreme R and corner of apartment: my hydrangea

Thumbnail by BetNC Thumbnail by BetNC Thumbnail by BetNC Thumbnail by BetNC Thumbnail by BetNC
Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't think you're a beginner anymore. Lol

Natick, MA

Nice selection/variety of plants, Bet!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Looks good so far, by chance can you get a close up of the unnamed ones so I can identify them for you? Make sure you smell the flowers on the Dianthus X Loveliness and let me know if you want more.......I did several trays of the red and have babies if you think you might like to try them. And don't fret about the JJs, I can send you seed, just toss in the border and they'll come up on their own. My Geranium Rozanne looks good this year as the deer have pretty much left it alone and let it bloom, My most mature plant is almost 3ft wide now.

I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things but soo far behind on weeding...ick! LOL. And planting, I truly need to get to it...Just got 2 tomatoes in the ground, ya, a bit late but better than not any... We've had soooo much rain this season, and am thankful for every drop...

So let me know about the mystery plants and lets see if I can identify them for you from the leaves....

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Looks good so far, by chance can you get a close up of the unnamed ones so I can identify them for you? Make sure you smell the flowers on the Dianthus X Loveliness and let me know if you want more.......I did several trays of the red and have babies if you think you might like to try them. And don't fret about the JJs, I can send you seed, just toss in the border and they'll come up on their own. My Geranium Rozanne looks good this year as the deer have pretty much left it alone and let it bloom, My most mature plant is almost 3ft wide now.

I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things but soo far behind on weeding...ick! LOL. And planting, I truly need to get to it...Just got 2 tomatoes in the ground, ya, a bit late but better than not any... We've had soooo much rain this season, and am thankful for every drop...

So let me know about the mystery plants and lets see if I can identify them for you from the leaves....

Natick, MA

are you finally getting some dry and warmer weather!? Hope so! Can't believe it's July!
think of you often...nice to see yr post!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi val!!! sorry am still sorta hiding....not trying to just still sad yet.... Hope your gardens doing great too. Today were getting drizzle and didn't even get to 70* today. We've had more than 12" of rain since May 1, our yearly average for rain and melted snow is 16". So I'm ahead of the game this season...loving it but the weeds have been keeping me busy. I just got a few tomatoes planted the other day and a few veggies, ya a bit late but better than not any I guess. Haven't even planted up my annual pots yet, still hoping to get that accomplished yet.. Hope your goodies are doing good too, later kiddo...Kathy

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