Ants in my artemisia

Haworth, NJ

I've read a lot that artemisia is good for REPELLING ants. But I suddenly have a full-on ant mound in my artemisia absinthium. Is this weird? Should I worry?

Thumbnail by botolph Thumbnail by botolph
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

There are some pests on your Artemisia. The ants may be taking care of these pests and eating something they produce.

Thumbnail by Diana_K
Haworth, NJ

Great call. Thanks. This was next to a lovage plant that was getting destroyed by aphids (and thus attracting ants). I trimmed the lovage not realizing that the aphids could have jumped to the wormwood of all places.

What should I try? Neem? Dishsoap?

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Either should work.

Haworth, NJ

I'm glad I posted this question. Upon further inspection, this is what I found. There white splotches on the stems. There was especially a lot under the dirt in the any mound. I cut it all off. We'll see what happens next.

Any idea what these splotches are?

Thumbnail by botolph Thumbnail by botolph
Haworth, NJ

I'm glad I posted this question. Upon further inspection, this is what I found. There white splotches on the stems. There was especially a lot under the dirt in the any mound. I cut it all off. We'll see what happens next.

Any idea what these splotches are?

Thumbnail by botolph Thumbnail by botolph
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Look up Woolly Apple Aphids, and Mealy Bug.
Both of these can develop 'stuff' that looks like your pictures. I do not think woolly apple aphid attacks Tansy, though.

Another alternative is a fungus that I see more often in the soil, not harming the plant. They are decomposing organic matter in the soil.

Haworth, NJ

Thank you again. I really like the idea of the fungus, because the plant seemed to be fine. Do ants like it? The mound was such a strange feature.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

I have not seen ants in association with the fungi that decompose things in the soil.

Is the white stuff actually stuck on, growing on the plant?
Can you separate little bits?

Haworth, NJ

Unfortunately, I cut the plant back and it's gone. It seemed to be more powdery. There was some smallish dots of it on one stem that make me think it was aphids at first. Under the dirt mound there was a lot surrounding the stems.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Well, lets see what comes back:
Plant only, or plant with fungus or whatever.

Haworth, NJ

Sounds good. I see small sprouts already. So we'll know soon enough.

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