White spots orcihd leaves/common pests

Schenectady, NY

I have a few "rescue" orchids from Lowe's - mostly they had dead stalks and some rotted roots when I bought them, I cleaned them up and they were doing fine. Yesterday I noticed one had sort of see through whitish spots on the leaves - like when the light shines through its like these spots are thinner than the rest of the leaves. I immediately took it outside and treated it in fungicide and bacteriocide and then repotted in fresh orchid mix and moved it away from all my others. It has a bloom spike forming and seems healthy otherwise. We have construction going on right now so I am limited on where I can put it, so I put it, unfortunately, in a room with little sunlight to isolate it. Everything is smooshed into one room because of the construction and it had to be away from my other plants. Does anyone know what those spots are or if it has a chance of recovering? They developed overnight and I moved it right away but what are my chances the other plants got infected? Its been nothing but rain and humidity for a few weeks here which isn't normal. I went over to my mother's house and her coconut orchid had sudden black spots all over it! What is going on!?!

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