Is this guy evil?

Greeley, CO(Zone 5a)

I have some aphids on my pepper plants. It's a work in process. I've tried using some Natria which hasn't really done any good. I've tried washing each of my leaves with soap and water which... sort of helped? And every morning I go out and mush them. Lady bugs, here I come.

I was committing my standard aphid genocide this morning, and happened to see this little guy (about an inch from my thumb. Eek). I have no idea what it is, if it's a good bug or a bad bug, and I didn't know whether to squish it or let it live. Pending identification, I've let it live. I hope it's here to eat my aphids, not breed a population of evil garden-destroying pests.

But I can't find it. No idea what it is. Please help? It's white with white and brown striped horns, six legs. Vaguely beetle shaped. And about 3/16ths of an inch long.

Thumbnail by JessJess Thumbnail by JessJess Thumbnail by JessJess

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