Nanking Cherry Harvest Help

Schenectady, NY

Our neighbor was really into permaculture and had kind of an urban orchard growing in his backyard. He sold his place and the new owner didn't want anything to do with any of it. He couldn't take any of his trees with him to his new place so he let us transplant as much as we wanted into our yard.

We ended up moving a couple 3-n-1 trees (pear/apple), a gooseberry, and two Nanking Cherries. Long story short, fast forward a couple years and we are looking at potentially our first harvest. But I've never had Nanking before and am a little lost when to harvest. When is a good time to harvest? And what signs should I be looking for to know when they are at their peak?

Thumbnail by NEgardenguy Thumbnail by NEgardenguy Thumbnail by NEgardenguy Thumbnail by NEgardenguy Thumbnail by NEgardenguy
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I taste them. Should be slightly soft and bright red. If the birds are taking them, they're ready.

Schenectady, NY

They are still a little soft so I guess we'll wait - thanks

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Mine were ready 2 weeks ago. What I didn't pick the birds and squirrels have already taken. I'm zone 6B. Maybe that's the difference?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3b)

Errr, they're just going to get softer with time, i.e. overripe...
If they are sweet and tasty, they're ready. Better pick them before they fall off or the birds get them first.

Schenectady, NY

Finishing picking the last of them tonight!

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