Sad looking smoke tree

West Orange, NJ

This is our sad looking smoke tree this spring and we don't have a clue what happened. Our last two winters HAVE been very harsh (we live in NJ) but I don't know if that has anything to do with it. Any advice or do we need star over with a new tree? thanks in advance.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Kelly
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

There is something else going on. Those leaves look like some disease is causing them to wilt.

How wet or dry is the soil?
Is it in pretty much full sun?

Please also post some close up pics of the leaves. Look at both the top and bottom of the leaves, some diseases look different on each side.

West Orange, NJ

Full sun, gets watered regularly. Our other trees and bushes are doing fine. Even our rhododendrons bounced back after some sort of fungus took hold. Will post more photos when it's not raining out. The tree itself looks fine, it's the leaves that look sickly.

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

It does look like some disease might be present. But, don't give up yet-Smoke trees are tough and can even sprout up from the roots, so it may come back even better than before if you give it a chance. Some folks even whack them off at the ground every several years if they get too big and straggly. With this tree, I wouldn't do that until I saw new sprouts growing. I would leave what is there to give it all the nourishment possible so it will recover.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Should not get too much water. They are better if they can go somewhat drier between watering.
I know you cannot do much about the rain, but planting it on a bit of a mound can help.
I would like to see a close up of the leaves.

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