Garden pest?

Manchester, United Kingdom

Hi any ideas what this is and what I should use to get rid, currently eating much of my verbernum - looks like a caterpillar, but literally 1 per leaf, max size I've found us 1cm length

Thumbnail by MikeJL Thumbnail by MikeJL Thumbnail by MikeJL
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Perhaps it is a caterpillar.
That is a BIG bug, so yes, it can easily do that much damage or more.

Try spraying with Bacillus thuringiensis. This is specific against Lepidoptera.
Brand names on this side of the pond include Dipel and Thuricide.

If this does not take care of them, they might be beetle larvae, pics are kinda small.

Manchester, United Kingdom

Thanks, yes sort of odd they'd be Caterpillar as so many, will try the suggestion & see how it goes

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Many moths and butterflies lay eggs in clusters. Looks like there was a good hatch rate!

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