Leaf Buds or Flower Buds on Night Blooming Jasmine?

Reynoldsburg, OH(Zone 6a)


A little pointless background:

I'm new to the forum and pretty new to flower gardening, as well. This is the third year that I've managed to not kill everything I've tried to grow. I'm exceedingly (and embarrassingly) proud of this. I live in the Columbus, Ohio area.

I live in an apartment with a sizeable North-facing balcony that gets some morning and late afternoon sun. So....lots of impatiens (common, New Guinea, Double), begonias and several geraniums - all in containers. Lovely, but a bit boring. About a month ago, desperate for something that actually has a scent and doesn't require full sun, I acquired a Cestrum Nocturnum from Hirt's via Amazon.com. What arrived was a healthy cutting plant in a 4 inch starter pot with two stalks measuring about 11" and 14" respectively with several leave and, obviously, no blooms. She was adorable and immediately stole my heart. I gave her the French name Joli. I repotted her two weeks ago in a 5 inch ceramic pot.

I was concerned about how the plant would do given the limited amount of sun I receive on my balcony but I am thrilled to report that the plant seems to be thriving. Both stalks have grown about 3 inches (WOW!!!), new stalks with leaves are shooting out from the base of the plant. I am enjoying every second of watching my "baby" mature. I've really fallen in love with this plant.

I was told that, often, small plants won't bloom the first year especially if the conditions aren't optimal (which mine aren't). Even so, I've been very pleased with the new leaves that are sprouting from the top part and base of the plant. But, imagine my surprise when I took a close look at my plant yesterday and saw what APPEARS to be a different type of growth coming out of the last third part of the stems (picture attached). Perhaps these are just new leaf buds, but they seem different somehow and I'm REALLY hoping that they are new flower buds.

I've tried to search the web to see if someone, somewhere had posted pictures of baby buds, but couldn't find any; so I thought I'd pose my question here. Leaf buds or flower buds? I'd appreciate any opinions and advice anyone can offer.

Thank you!


This message was edited Jun 13, 2015 9:39 AM

Thumbnail by Mashavu
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

I think you are seeing some flower buds.

Reynoldsburg, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, this is exciting news!! Thank you, Diana.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

These are without a doubt, flowering buds, these plants produce small clusters of lovely small flowers

Most attract Humming birds with there drooping flower clusters and in most warm areas, the humming birds love them,

This is a large family of differently named species and the word Nocturnum would suggest the flowers perhaps open at night where there will be different types of insects (Night feeders) gathering around the plants, like beautiful moths etc,.

As far as I know, IF the plants are happy with there environment, they become quite tall and bushy and some species can grow to around 8 ft and just as wide, You may have to bring it inside for winter IF your zone gets cold weather, look out for any frost , especially at night.
However there must be another name between Cestrum and Nocturnum. to give the type, colour etc. but maybe NOT, depending on the nursery it was growing before you got it.

Hope you have many years of pleasure from your plant and infact much enjoyment looking out for the wildlife it should attract.
Happy gardening.
Kindest Regards.

Hope this helps you out a bit

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