Please tell me this is not Bermuda!

Wichita, KS

I have raised beds with purchased organic soil and several feet of mulch all around them. I am a new completely amateur gardener and learning as I go. I tilled and pulled Bermuda for a week - 6 weeks later my hands still hurt and are swollen (?!) from pulling Bermuda. I laid newspaper- thick! And around the beds liner purchased. I then planted my beans. They sprouted. I sprinkled a few marigold seeds and I knew I would still have some Bermuda pop up - last year was my first year and a huge mess!- but what are these spouts? Tiny roots, look EXACTLy like Bermuda but maybe a flower or herb??? I did have some tiny hands "helping me"... I'll defiantly plant more intentionally and I plan of funding organic straw for mulch if I can- but are all of these grass starts?!! I am so sad if so AND I have a lot of pulling to do! Is Teresa anything that looks like Bermuda?? ( they look exactly like the definitely Bermuda on the outside edge of my box. They are really thick here but nowhere else. And they have a very tiny easy to pull root.)
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for helping!
PS- found this through some seed purchases on Amazon:) thanks for the seeds too:)

Thumbnail by Slnkstr8 Thumbnail by Slnkstr8 Thumbnail by Slnkstr8 Thumbnail by Slnkstr8 Thumbnail by Slnkstr8
Wichita, KS

I did taste the leaves and they have no flavor- not a leafy green veg and not an herb. But- they are a peach fuzz kind of leaf very unlike Bermuda sprouts and they do seem to be some kind of friendly flower or something I would have had about ... Still, the root is very much towards the surface and tiny- even on the largest of these sprouts.. Which seems to indicate a flower also?

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Looks like the larger leaf belongs to the beans, the small germinated leaves with the frilly edge is the Marigolds, look like French marigolds or Tagettes and as yet, the tiny leaf plants that have a little leaf on opposite side don't look like grass to me however, someone who has that experience may be better identifying that grass.

If I were you I would at this stage PULL out all those little seedlings that you think are the grass, IF it turns out they were NOT the grass, all you have lost is a packet of seeds,
When planting seeds as a new gardener, I would suggest you grow them in straight lines, that way you will know the seeds from the seeds when they germinate, once the seedlings are large enough to handle, you can then transplant the individual plantlets where you want them to grow /flower.

Maybe others can help you out further.
Kindest Regards.

Wichita, KS

I was wondering if the fern-like lead was a marigold. The big ones are beans and I agree - better to have only lost some seeds a d time than all my beans over ran by grass- especially Bermuda!

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

In the last pics (with the newspaper) that sprout looks like Bermuda grass.
The others do not look like Bermuda grass. I would pull out anything grass-like with as much root as you can get without disturbing the seedlings that you want.

Wichita, KS

These things are everywhere I planted "marigold seeds" .... The exact same places. ... Here is what they look like when pulled... They look exactly like crabgrass but softer. Does anyone know of anything that might looks like grass sprouts and yet be something else. I'm feeling like maybe I bought bad ( and probably overpriced) seeds or something... ?!

Thumbnail by Slnkstr8 Thumbnail by Slnkstr8
Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

There are dozens of plants that begin life when germinated, look like grass, but IF you purchased seeds from a store, they should be what it said on the packet and nothing else. There is a law regarding seeds plants /bulbs etc as the countries don't want uninvited dangerous plant life entering the country. you should NEVER buy any seeds / plants / tree's etc UNLESS you know exactly what your buying, especially as you said you are new to gardening. you will be amazed at the plants brought into a country and are the most invasive ever, people have different views on what is invasive BUT is you listen the the county department who has to deal with such problems, you will realise that you should only buy from reputable sellers.
Anyway, that;'s way of subject for your problem or maybe NOT as the Bermuda appears to be one of those problems, maybe your grass formed seeds and now your paying the price as wind, birds, insects and animals are all able to carry seeds to pastures new like peoples gardens etc.
Hope your able to keep picking out these weeds while they are small and BURN them, dont compost them or put in the garbage as the garbage will get dumped on landfill and the seedlings will spread there seeds all over again.
Good luck and Kindest Regards.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Those are absolutely, positively grass, not Marigold, nor any other dicotyledon.

They may be young crabgrass. They do not look like Bermuda so much.
Include something in the picture so we can see what size the leaves are. A ruler would be great.

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