Asclepias tuberosa seeds

Dallas, TX

Much to my surprise, when I went to water my perennial bed this afternoon, I saw what I assume to be seeds and seed pods on my Asclepias tuberosas. (I have several plants.) So I'm posting some poorly shot pics for confirmation. And also asking what to do next?
(Correction. My email is doing weird stuff with pics I send to myself. If the other milkweed picture arrives, I'll add it to this post. I dunno what's up with that.)
Don't know if you can see them, but there are some unopened pods.

This message was edited Jun 8, 2015 1:02 PM

This message was edited Jun 8, 2015 1:03 PM

Thumbnail by tx_flower_child
Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes those are milkweed seeds, but I think what you have is Mexican Milkweed, Asclepias curassavica, not Asclepias tuberosa.

Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

Is the treatment for each differen?. I have one of them I have collected seeds from that a friend wants for his wild area.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Mexican milkweed need no stratification, some of the other milkweeds do.

Dallas, TX

Josephine, I have both Asclepias tuberousa (silky gold flowers) and Asclepias curassavica (flowers look like red and yellow dots). I do find that the garden centers here label everything as A. curassavica. No, wait. They label them Mexican Milkweed. Even within the DG Plant Files there seems to be some confusion. All I can say for sure is that the seeds were from the yellow flowering one but it was windy last night and not many to gather this morning. But the plant has more pods. I think I saw where the A. curassavica is starting to develop seed pods. That particular plant came back from last year much to my surprise.

So I don't know. It's just exciting to get seeds.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I have a stupid question. For three years I have had tons of both milkweed, most of which I planted. Always comes back until this year. Unless I am just missing it, I swear I don't have any this year. I have totally lost control of my cottage garden since the rains but I had several in my front beds that are no longer there. So, are they perennial, and what could have happened?


Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Mexican Milkweed is a tender perennial, maybe it just got too cold or too wet for them.
Mine are not doing as well as other years either.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Too wet. May come back if it dries out, usually wont. Needs high ground and less nitrogen or conditionz get wrong for it.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Mine finally came back this year. It was very late, but it showed up and is now blooming.

To save the seeds, I placed them in a paper bag and folded the top over. Then I shook the bag like crazy. When I could hear all the seeds in the bottom, I cut a small hole in the bottom corner of the bag and shook out the seeds. **Do this OUTSIDE and NOT on a breezy day.**

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Stephanie, that's a great idea. Never would have thought of cutting the corner of the bag.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks! I followed Sheila's directions for the most part. You still get some of the fuzz, but for the most part, the fuzz is contained.

Dallas, TX

Anybody familiar with this? I'm thinking about ordering seeds and would be happy to join forces with anyone.

(Becky), Lipan, TX(Zone 7b)

I have access to way more asclepias seed than ever before.. thanks to the wet spring we had. If anyone would like a mix of orange and yellow asclepias tuberosa seed, or asclepias asperula, just let me know. They are setting seed like crazy though all the fields here.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes Becky I surely need some, are you coming to the swap June 28th?

Dallas, TX

Would love some, Becky. Whatever you got!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Becky, I would love some too.

Fort Worth, TX

Someone tell me if I can start all the milkweed seeds I have now, I have several varieties from DG members and the live monarch project? I work in the spring, I worked in the winter and by the time I get home from work it is usually too late.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I've had them fall off flowers now and germinate, so go for it. Save some just in case they don't.

Dallas, TX

Yesterday hourly weather forecast was 0% precip. Wrong! I was at my desk and thought, 'Was that thunder?' 2 days prior I had put out a lot of baby plants (not milkweed) still in Dixie cups. Mad dash to get my mud boots and slicker on to bring the babies in as it was a gullywasher. We got 2.09 inches of rain in a very short amount of time. So today I didn't have the courage to see if the strong winds and rain blew away any of the milkweed pods that had just been starting to open. I did try to look with my binoculars, but just too far away from the house. Hope if any blew away that they made a perfect landing somewhere and will eventually become nice new Asclepias.

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