Thanksgiving Cactus died

Knoxville, TN

I had a large, lovely Thanksgiving Cactus. Last year, during the warm months, I split it by sawing it in half down the middle. I put 1/2 in one large teacup planter and the other 1/2 in another large teacup planter. They are both in amended potting soil, as they were before being split. Now, only one small section is alive. They spend all the warm months on a neighbor's covered deck, but open to all the fresh air and early and late sunshine. They have always been very happy there and, once brought back inside for the cold months, bloom prolifically around Thanksgiving. Now, I really have nothing. The other day, I went over to check on the plants; one pot is completely empty, with all the dead stuff scattered over the table. My neighbor has offered me cuttings from hers - which I will take. Can anyone lend any idea of what might have happened and what I can do to keep it from happening again?

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Did the teacup planters have drain holes? I'm guessing over watering.

Opp, AL(Zone 8b)

Amended potting soil was what I focused on. Amended with what? Potting soil is not good "stuff" for jungle epiphytes. They need to stay moist, but have a lot of oxygen around the roots at the same time. Potting soil is much too dense to allow that to happen.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

I use orchid bark for my Thanksgiving and Easter cactuses.

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