Verticillium wilt on redbuds?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

entire canopy has dried, rust color leaves. Haven't been able to find any Google pics that resemble mine. Here are pics if two diff trees

Thumbnail by vossner Thumbnail by vossner
Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Wow, they look like goners. Redbuds grow natively around here to the point of being a weedy nuisance. I haven't seen any issues on any of my native trees. But I had (notice the past tense) a cultivar called Little Woody which leafed out fine for me this spring then abruptly died. Just noticed it last weekend; seemed like it occurred literally overnight with abruptly brown crispy leaves. It had been in the ground 5yrs or so and was about 10ft tall. All my other weedy redbuds are fine. I'm not sure what killed it.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

It almost looks like chemical damage.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

They're almost weeds here and I planted a grove to hide neighbor's ugly
Barn and also for dramatic effect all that pink would offer in late winter.

My husband thought that it looked like they were sprayed with RU but we just don't have vandalism like that here, plus the trees are in the furthermost interior corner of prop, it'd be pretty gutsy to enter that far. Pseudo, interesting you'd say that. It looks like it. No cankers,no funny leaf spotting. Just pow, dead!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Weerobin, I experienced about same history with them . 4/5 YO, no prob until they went brown, with other redbuds intact. We've had above ave rains, you prob heard about that

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

It doesn't look like the kind of damage you'd see from too much water. Very odd problem to have. In the first pic there is another baby redbud in the background that looks fine. Maybe you want to send some leaf samples to your extension office?

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