Are my onions ready?

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

I'd like to have your opinion and expertise on my onions.
Are they ready?
I was gone from home for 3 weeks. During this time I left the watering system on my vegetable garden going twice a week, but we had record rain in Dallas and it is still really wet!
The onions in the first picture don't have any green leaves anymore, shall I harvest them?
The damage was made by pill bugs and they are still eating the other green leaves.
I don't use or want to use any pesticide on them ... but I would like to know if you think the onions are ready or they will get any bigger.
Happy gardening

Thumbnail by drthor Thumbnail by drthor Thumbnail by drthor Thumbnail by drthor
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

first photo, ready, the reds and whites appear to be a bit later and I would wait until the tops die back to the level of your first photo.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

What varieties of onions are they, drthor?

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

I was hoping you did help me.
I will harvest the first onions next ROOT day ... I hope soon. Those are 1015Y TX Super Sweet
Here the onions varieties from Dixondale:
Texas Legend
1015Y Texas SuperSweet
Southern Belle Red
White Bermuda Crystal

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

drthor; Hopefully you can post pictures and grower comments of the varieties. None of these have pics or grower comments.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Just curious. Is it normal for onions to be growing with the bulbs above ground as pictured? Mine are all under the soil (completely) , so I'm wondering if I may be doing it wrong.

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

I am no expert, but an old farmer to told me to remove the soil from the onion as soon as it starts to bulb up. I got really good size onions since I started to do this method .
This year I just have very strange looking onions because of all the rain we got

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks, drthor,

Folks around here don't seem to grow onions, and thus I've had only what info I could glean on the subject from reference material. Thanks for your help. I will give that a try.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Onions grow about half out of the ground. I don't remove dirt, but I am careful not to pull dirt up on them. If the bulb is completely covered it inhibits the bulbing process. From left to right: Sapelo Sweet, Pinot Rouge, Golden Grande, Miss Megan, Desert Sunrise.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill Thumbnail by Farmerdill Thumbnail by Farmerdill Thumbnail by Farmerdill Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Farmerdill, where did you get those varieties?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

All but the Golden Grande ( sweet Spanish type from Burpee) are D. Palmer varieties. I get the seed from New England seed The D. Palmer varieties are short day onions which I seed around Labor Day and transplant in December, harvest in May. Golden Grande is a long day onion which I picked up off a Burpee seed rack just out of curiosity. It did ok, except that it tied up space almost to August..

New York City, NY

After harvesting you should cut off the yellow leaves and remove any loose skin or u can lightly clean them with a brush and store it in an unheated room or you can put them into net bags.

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